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Saturday, August 19, 2023


I know this seems like an alarmist title to a lot of you, but it's the only way I believe this can be expressed. Before the current public safety director arrived, there were things going on that I deeply questioned, in particular within the police department itself, and I had deep concerns especially about how they were responding to crime under previous “Management”. Now, that I see this new public safety director actually doing his job, I have to concur a great deal with this article. We are having a lot of people from Philadelphia who are committing crimes making their way up here into Bensalem, and have been for who knows how long, and before we had our new public safety director I don't know if it was being handled properly. Now that we have somebody that is actually doing something about the things that are going on, that will actually keep us safe, I am praying that we can keep, make that continue to keep this unsafe, and dangerous element out of our town.

My big issue with all of this, is that it's not just a problem here in Bensalem, but it is a problem everywhere in our country, especially where Democrats are in control. This law that was established in Philadelphia was done by Democrats, because they were as usual playing the race card, and crying and moaning that people of color were being wrongfully persecuted, when just the opposite was taking place. We have a state, that is being run by an egotistical, arrogant, and I believe narcissistic person, who never should have become governor to begin with, but unfortunately, we have him there. We need to start thinking of ways to make sure that our cities, towns, counties, and yes, our state are safe, and stop this race baiting.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Now for all the Joey D Groupies, Naysayers, and just outright trolls, I want to make something absolutely clear here. I support funding for all honorable first responders. Making sure that this rescue squad gets the funding that they need so that they can operate. However, when they keep asking for things that are going to affect the citizens of this town negatively, this is where we need to draw the line. Please read my statement below, and you just make your decision for yourself.

Apparently, these guys just don't get the hint. They keep bringing up this extremely bad idea and think that the people of this town are going to fall for it. They claim it's only $25 for every property owner, but No matter how you slice it, or try to dress it up, it's still a tax increase. I firmly believe that their budget needs to be audited by an impartial outside source, so that everything is out in the open as to what they spent.