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Friday, September 30, 2016


GREETINGS GANG!! Anyone happen to see the FRONT PAGE of the Bucks County Courier Times yesterday?? I sure did, and so did A WHOLE LOT of others!! Check out the interesting piece of information I received on my door step, and see the truth for yourself.

We got together this morning for breakfast and to discuss the Mayor's "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!" news article.
The first thing he does is create fear! "I'm going to have to layoff cops and raise taxes". How about thinking about the following:

1. If you do have to lay off cops, take the 14 or more officers and detectives assigned to other agencies and off the road assignments and put THEM back in the township and on the road.
2. Eliminate the paid fire company and hire members of the six volunteers as part of the road crew and public works. Allow these employees to leave their jobs, utilize the fire apparatus they already have and respond to emergencies. It would be the same as what the current paid department does now! They have members scattered all over the township who respond with two on the engine, two on the utility and individual members in fire inspector vehicles.

The Mayor should have contacted the volunteer fire companies when the township first received its $11,000,000.00 plus from the casino and asked them how they plan for the future. The fire companies put money away for purchases. The township spent ALL the casino money every year and DRAINED the reserve fund of $30,000,000.00! (It’s now down to $42 million) Instead, he took money away from the volunteer fire companies!
This is a prime example of piss poor money management. Now he scares the public again with threats of layoffs. Why do we have so many political hires in the License and Inspection office when the inspections have been handed off to an outside company? Why did they hire the Public Works Director's wife as the Assistant License and Inspection Director when the work load has been drastically reduced?!
While the rest of the township was tightening their belts to deal with money management, the Mayor and the Council, unbuckled their belts, bellied up to the table and gorged themselves! Now he wants to create even more panic!
We have stopped asking what the Mayor and Council can do next to embarrass our township. They have taken that as a challenge and strived to create more of a financial mess.
If it wasn't so sad, our township government would be a hit comedy!

SHAME ON YOU YOUR MAJESTY!!! If you had ANY type of a conscience as well as common sense, you would have managed this $11 million, as well as the ENTIRE finances of the township a whole lot better!! Guess the casino owner had enough of you strong arming them, and got the legal system to fix your wagon. Maybe now, you’ll quit this treating the township like a business bit, and start managing the funds of this town properly. If not, I have a BAD feeling that this town WILL go bankrupt!!!



Wednesday, September 28, 2016


It's Time to Pray, Day 2
"The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble." ~Psalm 9:9
If there was ever a nation that understood what it means to be a refuge for the oppressed, it ought to be the United States. The inscription from Emma Lazarus on the base of the Statue of Liberty has meant far more than words to millions: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
As a nation, by and large comprised of immigrants and their descendants, many of whom were fleeing persecution or oppression in their own nations, we have been a land of refuge. The United States truly has been a stronghold in times of trouble for many.
Though this is a proud heritage and a significant part of who we are as a nation, we have always served as a refuge imperfectly. Some groups were more welcome than others. Some arrived and wondered if they were, in fact, better off here. We still struggle with what it means to open our national doors to others.
The good news is that the Lord is a perfect refuge, a perfect stronghold in times of trouble. He is a refuge not only for individuals, but for a nation as well. When a nation turns to God, He will be a refuge for them. In the midst of the chaos of current events, whether it is financial collapse, terrorism, or war, how comforting to know that God wants to be a stronghold for our nation.
Prayer Points
•Ask the Lord to turn the hearts of the citizens and leaders of the United States to Himself.
•Invite the Lord to be your refuge and your stronghold.
•Pray that our nation will increasingly see that God is our only refuge in the midst of the troubles of this world.

My Prayer
Father, I am so grateful that You are my refuge and stronghold. I come to You today longing more and more to experience Your Presence and to rest in Who You are. Show me more of what it means for You to be my refuge in the midst of the storms of this life.
What I ask for myself, I also ask for my nation. Help us not to trust in our finances, our technology, or our military might. Lord, You are our refuge, our stronghold in times of trouble. We come running to You, Lord! Forgive us of our self-sufficient spirit. We need You, Lord.



It's Time to Pray, Day 1

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." ~Proverbs 1:7
This well-known passage of Scripture is typically used for individuals, and rightly so. The principle, however, can be applied to a whole nation. If a nation is characterized by the fear of the Lord in its dealings, both internally and internationally, it will be a nation known for wisdom and not foolishness.
A wise nation takes into account the Word of God as it makes laws. Even a cursory reading of the history of the founding of the United States demonstrates that our Founding Fathers seriously endeavored to base our nation's laws on their strong Judeo-Christian beliefs. Secularists today often counter that many of those men were, in fact, deists, and not strong Christians. Their own beliefs aside, our Founders, almost to a man, insisted that laws were based on divine revelation and not on human wisdom alone. Even as strong a secularist as Thomas Jefferson said powerfully,
And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that His justice cannot sleep for ever. (Paul Leicester Ford, ed., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 10 vols., Notes on the State of Virginia (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1892-99), Query XVIII, 4:232).
A significant shift has taken place in American political and cultural thought over the past fifty years, replacing God's Word as the source of morality, ethics, and law, with the rule of polls and surveys. This is exactly what Proverbs warns us against. A nation that rejects the Word of God as the basis for right and wrong has become a foolish nation that despises wisdom and rejects discipline.
Prayer Points
•Pray that the United States will repent of its corporate rejection of the Word of God as the basis of law.
•Pray that a holy fear of God will sweep across our nation, leading us back to a place of wisdom.
•Pray that courage born of wisdom will be given to Christians in places of leadership in government, the courts, and law schools across the nation so that they will stand for a godly basis for law.

My Prayer
Father, I give You thanks for the godly foundation of my nation. Thank You for instilling the fear of the Lord into our Founders, so that our laws were based on Your Word. Imperfect though they were, the original documents of government for the United States made a real effort to reflect Your will and Your truth.
Forgive us for drifting from Your ways. We have turned from the fear of God to the fear of man. Our laws change with the shifting winds of human opinion. We have embraced foolishness and rejected Your discipline.
We confess our desperate need for Your truth once again to become the foundation for our country. Pour out a hunger for truth and righteousness on everyone from preachers to professors to presidents. Raise up a standard of righteousness across this nation that honors Your Word and exalts Your name!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


 I always knew he was a complete butt head, but this is ridiculous. Who does he think he is??? Mussolini?? Just remember what happened to 'Il Duce' Lobo....

Thursday, September 22, 2016

I just love how Lobo calls Pro Publica 'an anti-government news site', when he has a lot of room to talk! I would highly suggest that you all read BOTH articles and draw your own conclusions. However, I also would recommend that Pro Publica and every member of the press, look into Lobo's questionable and illegal activities, especially in regards to the ILLEGAL DUI Blood draws that were done last year.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I got home from a very trying day of helping furry little lives, and lo and behold, this interesting bit of info showed up in my mail box! Apparently some very concerned first responders in this town have REALLY had it with His Majesty, Sherriff Lobo and his puppet court, and wanted to let me know that they’ve proceeded to give an injured paid firefighter the shaft. Check out this information below and see for yourself what they’ve done:
We can't believe the township has the guts to do this to a firefighter in our township. Firefighter Nick Weaver was severely injured fighting a fire in our township. Nick is a full time firefighter as well as a volunteer firefighter for the Nottingham Fire Company.
We know this is against the Fair Labor Standards Act but that is beside the point. The township made him use all his sick and vacation time because he was fighting a fire with the Nottingham Fire Company and not in his full time capacity as a paid firefighter. He was doing the exact same job in the exact same township and now the township wants it both ways!
If a police officer is off duty in our township and gets injured performing police duties he/she is carried as injured on duty and they are NOT required to burn their sick and vacation time!
Shame on those in charge of the paid fire department for allowing this to happen!

We have stopped asking how low our township government can go, because they continue to sink lower!
Shame on the paid members of the Nottingham Fire Company for turning their backs on Nick!

All I can say with this is HOW DARE YOU, LOBO!!! I always knew that you were a megalomaniac dictating little bully, but now we can add stone cold heartless to the list!! It’s bad enough that you violated the Fair Labor Standards Act in forming this paid fire company, as well as using Bensalem Rescue Squad Paramedics, to do DUI blood draws, but this is beyond the pale!! What’s even more upsetting is that Nick’s own fellow firefighters from Nottingham DELIBERATELY turned their backs on him, especially at a time when he needs them the most! So to all the Little Dictator Cologne sniffing cronies who’ve falsely accused me of hating on firefighters, especially Nick… I DARE YOU TO JUSTIFY THIS!!
Most of all…..

Monday, September 19, 2016


Just found this on not only Bensalem Township's twitter and FB pages, and I had to share. I'm wondering where they're getting the $$$ to make these hires, but most of all if they're FINALLY going to follow the Fair Labor Standards Act when it comes to the hiring process. To ALL volunteer firefighters in Bensalem..... Whatever you do, DON'T apply for this job and be a volunteer firefighter within this township at the same time, otherwise you WILL violating the Fair Labor Standards Act along with His Majesty, Sherriff Lobo, and EVERY other corrupt official in this township!!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016


 Check out the latest from the ignorant one who calls themselves 'BazingaBensalem'. They have NO legit facts to show I'm incorrect, so they make immature attacks against my physical appearance, plus false accusations.
Bazinga BenzalemSeptember 11, 2016 at 3:00 PM
Referring to your butt due to pure laziness, not the immense size. My comment had nothing to do with any of the drivel that you have referred to once again, my comment was made because you celebrate the fact that DUIs were lost on a b.s. technicality because your so brainwashed by your hatred of first responders. You're a sad woman.

It's clear to me that they took insult lessons from Donald Trump, and they have no courage to boot. I celebrate NOTHING Bazinga, nor do I show ANY glee in SCOTUS's recent ruling. My sole aim, is to make certain that DUI perpetrators are dealt with LEGALLY. BTW...
I take it you're calling two state representatives, the US Supreme Court, as well as our 'wonderful' PSD 'retarded'??



And sticks their foot deeply in their mouth! Check out the latest immature mindless response to my recent post below and see how deeply they’ve inhaled the “Little Dictator” fumes.

Did you give that advice to Robert Flohr you idiot? Stick to the subjects that you're an authority on like sitting on your butt and collecting a check, and my favorite...hating on firefighters.
 Better yet, check out this recent statement by someone referring to themselves as informedcitizen97:
YES!!!!!!! She has such a hard on for things she has no idea about. Whatever retard is throwing her information, makes her look just as stupid.

Gee, another set of Topley stooges attacking my physical appearance, plus making FALSE accusations, such as hating on fire fighters?? Really mature! I can clearly see where you get your information from. I have concrete evidence that the EMS DID these blood draws illegally, and that they have NO qualifications or standing to do so.
Would you like to see the email from your precious PSD boasting that he had the Bensalem EMS do this, and that he sees NOTHING WRONG OR ILLEGAL WITH IT?? Also, did you happen to see the recent SCOTUS ruling declaring warrantless DUI blood draws as unconstitutional?? How about the fact that the head of the Bensalem EMS, made calloused, cold hearted, and NASTY statements about someone who unsuccessfully battled PTSD, plus done the following things:

1. Placed an ambulance at Station 16 to stop an ambulance being created that would provide additional services to our community at no cost to the taxpayers. Once he accomplished his task, he removed the ambulance from Station 16 and stiffed them for a year’s rent which he promised. This conduct resulted in a REDUCTION of service to the community all the while he was pushing for more money from the township.
2. As a member of the executive board of Station 65 he became aware of the theft of over $1,500.00 from the sale of flowers at the fire station during the Easter holiday. Did he turn the thief in and have him prosecuted? Of course not, he and several others covered it up and to this day the thief is a member of that fire company. We are sure glad that happened at Station 65, otherwise Fred Harran would have launched a criminal investigation against the thief.
3. He has been acting like such a tyrant at Bensalem EMS that they have gone through several supervisors in the last few years because they refused to participate in his harassment of employees. It has gotten so bad there, that the board of trustees which has protected him on numerous occasions in the past, have taken the hiring and firing of employees away from him.
Guess not, otherwise you wouldn't be making these statements.
BTW... This isn't about Robert Flohr and NEVER has been. This is about a LAZY and UNETHICAL public safety director using the Bensalem EMS Squad commit an illegal act, so he and the township can make $$$.
Something to think about.......

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Just remember Sherriff Lobo, you're NOT allowed to use the Bensalem Rescue Squad to do DUI blood draws. IT'S ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL, AND IMMORAL! My best advice to anyone reading this, and getting stopped, is follow directions, and INSIST on a DUI blood draw at a hospital!! Most of all...

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Hey Gang!! Anyone happen to catch the "Breakfast With Bob" segment on Fox 29's Good Day Philadelphia this AM?? I did!! In case anyone is wondering, Fox 29, has their traffic reporter Bob Kelley, do a really neat segment called "Breakfast With Bob" every Thursday morning to highlight a great restaurant/place to eat breakfast. Well, Bob Kelly was at Redhouse Bagels in Bensalem doing his segment, and l and behold, there was 'His Majesty' Joey D right in ...the whole shot!!! Can we say 'media whore'??
How can 'His Majesty' even dare to justify doing something so tacky, when he should be doing his job?/ Oh wait a minute, he's NOT doing his job AT ALL. Instead, he institutes an outrageous EIT (Earned Income Tax), to cover up his and his corrupt admin's excessive spending, and is already spending the funds the EIT is bringing in!! Even more irresponsible, is that he drives his TOWNSHIP ISSUED SUV irresponsibly and ILLEGALLY, and no one does a thing!! Now I know where Lobo gets his 'driving lessons' from!

Monday, September 5, 2016