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Monday, April 30, 2012

Very Interesting
This just shows how desperate the corrupt PA GOP is, and how they will go to any lengths to keep Justice from taking place, not only with PSU but many other vital issues as well. Doesn't this remind you of anyone here in Bensalem??

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hey Firefighters!!!
Yes you!! Especially the ones that have been drinking the "Haman Kool-Aid"!! You know who you are: hulltruthbetold, IronSheik, yrrep/arrerf, and every last butt kissing toady of Fred "Haman" Harran!! This is the very training center that Haman LIED about to you telling you that they charged fees to use it!! I have provided LIVING proof of Haman's criminal activity, yet you falsely accuse me of "spreading lies and hate", that I and supposed "disgruntled misfits", are causing trouble, and defaming others, when everything I have printed is the truth!! Of course, you are all too embedded up Haman's behind to care. So you are going to share the same fate as Haman and Nabal... JAIL!! 
Those of you who are seeing the truth, and want to do something about it, but are scared, what is it going to take for you to get some brass ones, stand up and fight for what is right?? You need to get it through your thick skulls that you are being used!! Why are you not going to council meetings, demanding to know why you haven't been given the SAFER grant, the Emergency Management Plan, and most importantly, why hasn't the dirt ball paid fire fighter who assaulted a volunteer fire fighter from Newport, been fired from his position and criminally charged?? Who is this "they" that won't let you take action on this??
 In Short, Get off your collective asses, and start fighting!! Go on the offensive,  by going to the press about the "18 Safety Issues", and how "Haman" and "Nabal have been interfering with Union's boat!! Go to the FBI, and tell them everything!! Go to the press, hold a press conference, exposing EVERYTHING Haman has been doing to you and to this town, through unjustly shutting Union down, interfering with their boat grant, interfering with the boat itself, and his false accusations against former Chief Troisi, as well as his false arrest of Dave Jerri Jr. Spill the beans to the entire world if you can, and don't let "Haman" intimidate you into anything else!!
You have 2 choices, sit there and take it, till you're destroyed, or FIGHT! Don't expect someone else to do this for you, because that's nothing but lazy and cowardly!! If I were in your shoes, I'd fight tooth and nail, and not hold back. Its time to take a stand, and FIGHT, so.............

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just Where Are they Going to Get the $$$ For This??

This excerpt is from the Bucks County Courier Times:
Bensalem expects to spend about $2.6 million on 310 portable radios and 150 mobile radios for its police, fire and rescue crews.

On Friday, Bensalem's Public Safety Director Fred Harran said he had reviewed the public notice released by the FCC and he was unsure if those radios were still necessary by January.

"We need a lot more clarification on this," Harran said. "I don't know if they're saying that these radios aren't needed, or if they're not needed for a couple years, or what."

Bensalem joined with Bristol Township, Middletown and Hulmeville in seeking a share of the tax proceeds from Parx Casino to pay for the radios. Those towns were together awarded a $750,000 grant to help offset the cost of new equipment.

Need more clarification, Haman?? Try needing more common sense. You and the mayor have been overspending in an attempt to turn this town into another Philadelphia, your going to bankrupt it!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Romance on School District $$$

Got this while I was out today, at a Dunkin Donuts in my area, and it looks like the plot is thickening!! I was wondering about this particular piece of info, and now I am really getting it.

The committee of "unconnected members of the Bensalem Fire Service" continues to discover more information that confirms our growing concerns!
This information has been confirmed. A high ranking fire official in our township who is part of the “inner circle” of the fire service is employed by the school district. He has been leaving work to spend time with his girlfriend without telling his bosses while still continuing to being paid. Not only is the school district aware of this, the high ranking official reached out to the Director of Public Safety for “assistance with the school board”. What is even more outrageous is that this fire official claimed that the high ranking police official “owed it to him” because he backed the high ranking police official’s actions against the volunteer fire service in Bensalem. This is the same family that another member hired into the Fire Marshal’s staff without being qualified or taking the entrance test!
Has the Director of Public Safety started a police investigation into this theft of school district money? No! Amazing what kids learn at the high school!

Is this What We're Teaching Our Children???

Answer Me This Haman!!

Why spend months and Lord knows how much $$$ on an imaginary criminal investigation against Union Fire Company that proved to be bogus, and refuse to admit it. Yet, when a female volunteer fire fighter is sexually harassed via cell phone pics of a paid fire fighter's anatomy, you (Without even checking cell phone records, let alone even talk to either person!), conduct a two day "investigation", and declare it "unfounded"??
And You Wonder Why Every Honorable First Responder Has NO Confidence in You!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How about this Fitzi:

When and IF this passes, will you hold yourself to this, or weasel your way out of it??
While were at it, why were you silent over Gingrich's nasty comments over Ms. Fluke?
What are you going to do to reform the Health Care Law, while protecting those of us with preexisting conditions??

The Etzrodt Family

What people don't know about this is that along Business route 1, there are several hotels that are owned by a man named Michael Etzrodt. The Neshaminy Motor Inn, happens to be one of them, and they are all a predominant "hot sheets" locale for prostitutes and their "clients".
I also learned that his motels are also in good locations to participate in wholesale drug transport and distribution.
In case you're not understanding, this is what this means. Both father and son have possibly been involving themselves in prostitution and drug transport/distribution!! The hotel(s) in the area, especially this one, have this going on, on a daily basis, but the Bensalem PD do NOTHING about it!!! Why, you ask??? Well, here is the reason. Apparently, this family has been a MAJOR contributor to JoeyD and his constant election committee for years, The son also heads up or at one time, headed up the Bucks County Tourism Board, and is also a MAJOR contributor to the GOP party in bucks. As a result, the last thing Henry VIII wants is to see ANY of his buddies in trouble, and above all, have any of it come back to him in the form of negative press.


OH WELL............

One less perv off the streets. Now let's see if we can get rid of the ones on 2400 Byberry Road. This town needs REAL jobs in it, not hokey fast food jobs, where workplace conditions are disgusting, and its OK to sexually harass and abuse an employee.


Morning Gang!!

Check out what made my mail box yesterday, and I am just now getting to share with all of you. Its becoming more evident, that Haman IS losing his control, and it will be a miracle if he gets it back.
We as a group of veteran and new firefighters have conducted a survey of the township over the last six months due to growing concerns about the conduct of elected officials and fire service officers connected politically to these officials. We will now list some of the most alarming information we have uncovered.

1. The paid engine which never should have been used by the township in the first place is a disaster. The township has put more money into it then it is worth. The truck has been out of service for over a month. Knowing the engine was in poor shape they purchased an $80,000.00 utility vehicle instead.

2. We spoke with ALL the Councilmen, none of them is aware of any plan to adequately fund the paid fire service. In fact, they are all aware that it is underfunded and not accomplishing most of what was expected of them.

3. The paid crew repeatedly and without written agreements with outside municipalities leaves the township for fire calls. The whole purpose of the paid fire crew is for fire protection IN the township during the day. Mutual aid calls should be responded to by the available volunteer firefighters!

4. The engine and its crew along with the utility vehicle and its crew spend hours each day parked behind the Nottingham Fire Company. The Councilmen are also aware of this and said they would look into it. These hours could be utilized to conduct inspections of businesses in the township which still go UN-inspected.

5. The Councilmen are aware of the sexual harassment complaint against a paid firefighter. When asked they reply; “we aren’t told anything”. When told that the victim of the sexual harassment was never interviewed and the phone records of the suspect were never reviewed one councilman stated; “what do you want me to do?” When told we wanted an investigation, he shrugged his shoulders and said; “they don’t listen to anything I say.”

6. The Councilmen are also aware of the violent assault by a paid firefighter on a volunteer firefighter at the Newport Fire Company. They are also aware that despite numerous witnesses and evidence, no charges were brought against the paid firefighter.

7. The Director of Public Safety told a member of the volunteer fire service that if charges were brought against the paid firefighter he would be fired. Yet, no charges have been filed! The Director of Public Safety and members of the paid fire department “encouraged” the administrative leadership of the Newport Fire Company not to expel the paid firefighter for the assault.

8. We spoke to several members of the PA Yacht Club who confirmed they were interested in docking Union’s new fireboat at their facility. They were told by their Board of Directors that the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor asked them NOT to assist the fire company.

9. There is no plan to upgrade the township training center to meet the minimum requirements for fire training. There is also no plan to fund the facility.

10. There is no investigation into who decided to spend over $5,000,000.00 to build the training center in the worst possible location and with no capabilities for live fire training. All the time, knowing that the County was building a fully functional fire training center in Lower Bucks that would cost Bensalem nothing. When we asked ALL the Councilmen we received the following responses: “they told us it would be a burn building”, “that facility was before my time on council” and “we were not told the County was building a training center” (really?).

11. There is no explanation as to why the Rescue Squad got a tax increase despite reducing its staffing from two full time and one part time medic unit to two full time medic units only. When the Councilmen were asked, they replied: “we didn’t know they reduced service”.

12. Not one of the Councilmen knew any of the reasons the Public Safety Director closed the Union Fire Company. When asked why they didn’t feel it was important to stay on top of a public safety issue the standard response was; “they don’t tell us anything (and they accept that!). One Councilman who was present at the closing admitted that he was given false information for the closing by the Public Safety Director. Yet, he refuses to address this wrong doing!

13. The township continues to operate the paid fire department in violation of township ordinances and contradictory to their SAFER grant application. When asked about this, one Councilman referred us to township ordinance 7. There is no township ordinance 7! The rest of the Councilman stated that they have not seen the SAFER grant!

14. According to township officials we are heading for our fourth consecutive year of a deficit in the township budget!

And you wonder why the volunteer fire service has no confidence in the leadership of Bensalem Township!

Let me put it this way: Mayor, Council, and "Haman"

Monday, April 23, 2012

Some Legitimate Questions for Bensalem Township

Remember how the budget of 2011, had a $6.5 million dollar deficit? Why did the mayor and council chose to “balance” it, by dipping into the town’s trust fund, and “Laying off” 6 people? Why did the township council refuse to answer anything about the next year’s budget until AFTER the election?? Why spend $5 million dollars OF YOUR TAX MONEY, on a Fire Training Center that FAILS to meet the needs of the firefighters, in that it was IMPROPERLY built (NO rest rooms, classrooms, heat resistant tiles on the floors, etc.), and cannot burn class A Fires, when the newly built one in Croydon (Paid for by the state) meets every one of the firefighter’s training needs? Most of all, ask about the false rumor that the new Lower Bucks Fire School would cost money, when the facility is free to the fire service in Bucks County! How do they justify creating a paid fire department in direct violation of township municipal code #6(By the way, if told see #7, there is NO #7!) Ask why it’s so necessary to take money away from the volunteer firefighters to maintain this new paid fire department? How the township is going to pay for this new full time Fire department once the grant runs out? Ask why the paid fire company is in violation of what was written in their SAFER grant application, (They are not a combination fire department as written in the grant application.), or why he LIED on the SAFER Grant, thus filling it out fraudulently. Ask Harran and his puppet fire chief, why they spent $80 grand on a fire services vehicle, when they should have used that money on the upkeep of their engine. Ask why a high ranking fire official of Cornwells Fire Co, and a volunteer from Newport Fire Company, both of whom are paid fire fighters for Bensalem Township, committed criminal acts, and NOTHING is being done about it?
Why was Union Fire Co. really shut down? Why is it that that the “Oversight Committee” only met with Union Fire Co. ONCE and found that the “18 Safety Issues” were unfounded? Ask why once the “18 safety issues” were proven false, that Harran REFUSES to admit this, and clear Union Fire Company’s good name? Most of all, what if they did this to YOUR Fire Company??
Finally, why is it that when a citizen of this town, makes a simple request for the township’s emergency management plan, (Just for the basics, mind you. ) that she is denied this information?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Looks like your BTPD officers need better target practice!! The reason, is because the only real danger was the police not being able to hit a target less than three feet away.


Thursday, April 19, 2012


I just received some rather interesting things in the mail today, and knew that my loyal readers needed to see this. This was so interesting, I had to share with ALL of you right away.  Looks Like NO ONE is swallowing the lies, of Henry VIII, his "Sheriff" Fred Harran, or the rest of his court. Looks like someone is going to be in BIG trouble!!   

 We members of the Bensalem Fire Service that no longer believe what the rest of the mushrooms continue to ingest, have discovered some very interesting information.
1. The paid firefighter that committed aggravated assault, vandalism and drunk driving as part of his criminal acts at the Newport Fire Company remains on the job as a paid Bensalem firefighter and has not been charged. The victim and the witnesses have been "encouraged" by members of the Fire Marshal’s office NOT to pursue the matter.
2. The paid engine is broken again and will be out of service for an extended period of time. There is no money to replace the engine which was in very poor condition when it was placed in service.
3. The paid fire department purchased an $80,000.00 special service vehicle instead of purchasing a replacement engine. Now the paid service is using an engine from the Newport Fire Company. The paid fire company refused to use an engine from the Eddington Fire Company for long term use. The paid Battalion Chief stated that the volunteer fire apparatus was not good enough for the paid fire company.
4. The paid fire company is in violation of what was written in their SAFER grant application. They are not a combination fire department as written in the grant application.
5. The so called “state of the art (words of the Director of Public Safety)fire training center in Bensalem, has now been proven to be less than sub-standard. Members of the Bensalem Fire Service attending a recent Bucks County Fire Chiefs meeting at the new training center in Croydon were amazed with the capabilities of the new fire school. It became “glaringly obvious” to the members who participated in a walk through of the new facility that the Bensalem Fire Service was provided false information by certain township officials about the capabilities of our facility. The lack of planning by these township officials has resulted in a waste of $5,000,000.00 plus of taxpayers money on a training center that has very limited capabilities.
6. The false rumor that the new Lower Bucks Fire School would cost money to use is false. The facility is free to the fire service in Bucks County! However, our facility is draining funds away from an already reduced fire service budget.
7. The phone records of the paid firefighter who sent pictures of his genitals to a female firefighter were never checked! In fact, the female firefighter that received the pictures was never interviewed! Yet, the investigation is closed by the Director of Public Safety.
8. Now we hear that a politically connected fire official in Bensalem that has a school district job was leaving his job (and getting paid) to visit his girlfriend during the day. This same official approached a high ranking police official to see if he could “help him out” with the school board that is investigating the incidents. This fire official claimed that the high ranking police official “owed it to him” because he backed the high ranking police officials actions against the volunteer fire service in Bensalem.
Much, much more to follow!

As I said before Haman, "the more you tighten your grip, the more  honorable first responders will slip through your fingers.



You call doing your job, being "bullied" Rob?? GET A CLUE!!

A Good Start to End a Bad Law

This is a good start. Hopefully, this unconstitutional law will be repealed, and the rights of ALL LEGITIMATE voters will be upheld.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Public Safety Director Prayer for Fire Service Operations By Public Safety Director Fred Harran 2012 Edition

Obtain a SAFER Grant FRAUDULENTLY from the Federal Government to provide day time firefighters in Bensalem Township. Pray that the Mayor will protect you.
Don't share any information with the current Township volunteer fire companies about how the system will function. Pray that the Mayor will protect you.
When asked about the grant by the fire companies, refuse to share the grant or any information within the grant with the fire companies. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Tell the fire companies if they want to see the grant to file a right to know lawsuit. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Waste the first year of the grant which would have covered 100% of the firefighter's salaries. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Continue to withhold the grant information from the firefighters. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Wait until the last minute, then announce to the fire companies that you will be taking $24,000.00 plus from each fire company to offset costs of this program. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Fail to advertise a fire inspector position that came open in the township. Hire someone that does not have any formal training or certification as a fire inspector, nor could he pass the test to be a paid firefighter. Pray that the Mayor will protect you.
Change the title of the unqualified fire inspector, and the paid firefighters, to firefighter and fire inspector. Pray that the Mayor will protect you Violate the Garcia Act, by allowing volunteer firefighters, (Mainly your cronies.) to be paid fire fighters. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Fail to provide the fire companies, township government or the public with a plan showing how you intend to fund the paid firefighter program when the grant runs out. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Get caught lying to the township fire companies about the SAFER grant. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Build a fire school with 5 million dollars of tax payer's money, in the middle of three major roadways, close to a hotel, apartment complex and residential area. Forget to put in any equipment to generate heat, allow for class a burning, a sprinkler system or even a water system to permit fire training with charged hose lines. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Tell the township fire companies that you can't get water for the fire school because "the attorneys are arguing". Pray that the Mayor will protect you.
Attempt to destroy an honorable fire company's reputation, over 18 made up safety issues, by shutting it down for a week, illegally terminating its Chief, Calling FEMA, and the FBI on it, and then falsely imprisoning the current chief's son on false charges. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Hope that the fire companies never ask you what the attorneys could possibly be "arguing" about. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Fail to get the fire engine finished and ready for service (with over a year to prepare) that you purchased. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Pretend for the cameras that you have a fire truck by borrowing the Nottingham fire engine. Pray that the Mayor will protect you.
Pray for a miracle, because the MAYOR, the COUNCIL and YOU will no longer be protected!
                              START PRAYING HAMAN!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pitiful Re-Election Stunt

This is a pitiful re-election stunt by two men, who have done NOTHING to protect children, women, or anyone else from violence. LOTS more needs to be done in this area, including mandatory reporting to the police, and if the parents have already done so, the school MUST co-operate with law enforcement investigating this. Schools, whether public, or private, must abide by this. This not only goes on within the school system, but it goes on within the first responders of many towns, including here. The ONLY "exception", in this was Sgt. Marren, because the victim and those who supported her refused to allow this to be covered up.

A Word of Advice

This for ALL the members of Union, and every other honorable fire fighter out there........
The ONLY way to defeat a monster, (Yes, you're a monster Haman!!) is to stand up to and fight it tooth and nail. Its time that you go on the offensive, and state YOUR side to this town, and let them know what an evil person Haman truly is. You can't expect to have others fight YOUR battles for you, so you need to and MUST start fighting your battles yourselves. Just so everyone knows, this in NO WAY means I am leaving, (Keep Dreaming Your Majesty, and Court!), but I am trying to light a fire under all your behinds to do what is right.

Time to Let the Press See the Truth!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Addictive and Out of Control Eyesore

This is the result of having an unchecked addictive eyesore in this town. Problem is, that his majesty and court will continue to allow this to happen, and even more lives will be ruined. What's worse, is that no one knows where the money Bensalem is supposed to be getting, is really going. Especially if its going to the right place; the people of this town!

Morning Haman!!

As I was stating before, when are you going to start telling the truth, not only about Joanne, but also about Robin, and Nichole?? When are you going to admit that you have issues with respecting women??

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I don't know about you, but this has to be the most hysterical thing the township has come out with, since I have been doing this. I mean after all, isn't this town supposed to be in a financial deficit??? I also saw an ad in the Bucks County Courier Times, that made me laugh even harder, because it had the following on it: EOE (Equal Opportunity Employment) ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
C'mon Haman!! We all know that your police department is as discriminatory and crooked as the day is long, so.........
Quit Lying!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Here We Go Again!!
Re-opening a USELESS minimum wage, only good for high school kids, and those with NO ambition job, that serves no purpose for this town. If I were these officials, I would focus on bringing REAL jobs into this area, and By REAL, I mean jobs that have substance, pay well, and treat their employees decently. This town needs REAL jobs in it, not hokey fast food jobs, where workplace conditions are disgusting, and its OK to sexually harass and abuse an employee. Of course, Joey D and his villainous crony council don't want this, as they drove out a company that made playground equipment on petty bogus environmental charges. While we're at it "your majesty", please explain how you claim to have "eliminated" 15 full time and 10 seasonal positions within the township, when it's been confirmed that NONE of the 15 full time and 10 seasonal employees positions ever really existed?? Explain to us, how Harran states that of the 103 police officers, and 175 civilian employees within the department, 3 officers, and 5 civilian employees were "let go", when we learned that the 3 police officers were NEVER hired to begin with! How about when Rosalie Flemke was "let go" she was replaced with two inexperienced, young women to handle what Ms. Flemke was doing! You also said, that you were going to procure grants to the tune of over $8 million dollars. Well, where are they??
It's time to come out of hiding, and start speaking out!! Its time to hold these people accountable for their lies and their abuse of their positions. These positions were given by God, and they are ones that God can easily take away. Its time to send a message to the people running this town, that this waste of good employees is unacceptable.

Oh Haman!!!

Just wondering when you're going to start telling the truth about what REALLY happened to Joanne??

We Can Either "Take It", or FIGHT!!
 This is for all the democrats in Bensalem, and Bucks County who have excuses, instead of solutions for what is going on here. I believe that we can be a strong organization again, if we have the courage to speak out on the issues, without personal attacks, and offer actual solutions to this town, so they know we are for real.

1. Please let me ask this, and I am asking this with all due respect, but as to your comments on the firefighters, what have you done for them? When was the last time, you called Steve Carmichael, and spoke with him? When was the last time, you yourself contacted Union Fire Co. and asked how they were doing? You Dem's, state that they haven't done anything for us, when they have. They showed up at more than one council meeting, invited us to come to their open house last October, they showed us plans for a third ambulance that will not cost the tax payers anything, and a great deal more. What did we as the BDO do?? NOTHING!! I also recall you saying the very same thing about the police, but according to several former cops, there was a massive conversion of Bensalem cops in 1998 registering to democrat, because of the garbage going on, and what did the BDO do for them in this instance?? NOTHING!! According to these cops they saw nothing being done, so they out of fear all re-registered to republican.

2. You also mentioned something about the "secret deal" made concerning Steve Moran's severance package. You state that you were not able to find anything on it, and didn't get anywhere with it, but guess what?? THE LORD ALLOWED ME TO GET ANSWERS!! I have also filed other Right To Know requests for things such as: the "18 Safety Issues" used to shut Union Fire Co. Down, the Township's Emergency Management, and Fire Assessment plan, plus the findings of the "Oversight Committee", and their answer to their disregard of the Garcia Act in forming the paid fire company. As usual, Haman and his bunch are stone walling me on this, but Union has been cooperating, and the answers I have will make your head spin.
3. You also stated that we were made fools of at the council meetings, but I would disagree. By now, you should know that in all actuality, Joey D, council, and Harran were the ones being made fools. We caught them lying at every turn, and we stepped on their toes BIG TIME. Union Fire Co. went to several council meetings with Harris and myself, did the same thing, and they stepped on toes so bad, Harran went to the FBI, and Fox 29 to make them look bad (without success), had Dave Jerri's son arrested on bogus burglary charges, (which were reduced to misdemeanors, and given A.R.D.), and has now filed false charges of workman's comp fraud, which will backfire on Haman.The GOP were made so uncomfortable, someone in our very own organization who dared me to start attending these meetings and ask questions, attempted to prevent us from continuing, and when I did, I was falsely accused of things I have never done before.
 4. Just so all of you know,
I made several phone calls during the last election, and the one common complaint I got in my town, was the lack of strong democratic candidates to run against the incumbents, and that we were re-cycling names in this instance.  My advice to those who have said this, is Why don't YOU get involved?? Check out when your Democratic Organization meets in your town. In Bensalem in particular, come out to the Bensalem Democratic Organization meetings. They are every 3rd Monday at the Bensalem Public Library at 7PM. IF you are so desperate for change and new blood to run against the current GOP puppets, then why don't you Run for office??
I believe that we need to show some patience with the results, if they don't come right away, and we also need to really reach out the the fire companies, especially Union. There are other fire companies and fire fighters who are taking a stand, but they need our continued support, otherwise we will be going around in circles. We had the means to get the 3 council seats, but because we did nothing (Especially after going to the council meetings), and allowed them to screw with us internally, we lost. We have another opportunity to do so, and this time, we need to stand strong, state our ideas for this county/town, show ACTUAL plans to improve this county/town for the better, and how we will make Bucks as well as Bensalem the place to live it ought to be. We can't afford to let internal strife, and outside intimidation cause us to lose. We just can't let this happen again.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hey Haman and Nabal!!

When are you two going to start cooperating with concerned citizens on the existence of the township's emergency management plan, and start telling the truth on this!! You know as well as I do, that during the first 72 hours of any disaster/emergency situation, NO State, Federal, or Red Cross officials, will be here to do anything, so in short Bensalem will be on its own for 3 days!! During that time, which is very critical, I am again asking the following:
2. IF there is a power outage, how are you going to make sure people are safe, and get people to safety/ shelters, if needed?
3. If an evacuation becomes necessary
A. What shelters will be made available?
C. What transportation will be made available for those with disabilities to get to these places? and
4. What will be done for pets of evacuees?
I don't want broad, over generalized pamphlets, that leave out important vital information that I am entitled to, because you're hiding the fact it doesn't exist!! I just want HONEST answers to these questions. I DON'T think its too much to ask.

Next Stop...... FEMA, PEMA, and THE MEDIA!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


How does it feel Haman, to have the very firefighters you lied to about me, now actually seeing the truth about you?? I'm wondering what its like for you, to be paranoid, and so fearful over my Right To Know requests, that you're possibly making life a nightmare for others in the township building? I guess it must make you nervous over how you are being exposed for the coward and bully you truly are? I'm also thinking it must not be fun, with "His Majesty" pretty much chewing your butt out on a daily basis, is it? I guess it must be as Princess Lea said in Star Wars, "The more you tighten your grip, the more galaxies will slip through your fingers."
Look Forward to More Bad News Coming Your Way, Haman. Because.....

The Truth About the Health Care Bills

Looks like an attorney who specializes in the constitution, read the ENTIRE health care bill, and found A LOT of problems with it.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Almost Forgot..
I was by Nottingham Fire Company around 10:30 AM, and then again around 12:30PM, and saw something rather interesting. At 10:30 AM, both my spouse and I clearly saw a red and white pick up truck marked 222, parked in the front of the building. Later on around 12:30PM, I saw THE SAME truck in the SAME PLACE!! Then around 3PM, one of my many "eyes" (I have lots of them Haman!) informed me that this same truck was there for over an hour!!! I thought that rather odd....


Just wanted to share this song with you, in hopes of you getting to see the REAL meaning of Easter, as well as Passover. Its entitled "Rise Again" by Dallas Holm
John 19, 20, and 21


Remember This??

For ADULTS with a Sense of Humor ONLY
I thought this little joke might make everyone's day.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Weiner, and Fred Harran all died and were standing before the Lord. Arnold goes first, and God tells him, "Arnold Schwarzenegger, you have sinned against me! As punishment for what you did to your wife, you will spend the rest of eternity chained to a wall, while covered with honey and fire ants eating away at you!" In an instant, Arnold was butt naked, with honey and fire ants all over him chained to a wall in hell screaming for all to hear. A trembling,
Anthony Weiner comes before the Lord, and tries to speak, but a a great big "SILENCE!" comes from the heavenly throne. God then says to him, "Anthony Weiner, you have sinned against me! As punishment for your taking pictures of yourself, and your "weiner", I am going to turn you into a giant hot dog in a bun, to be chased by all kinds of wild animals, and eaten by them for eternity!" In a flash, Anthony was a literal Hot Dog on a bun, and animals of every kind were tearing away at his "meaty" flesh.
At this point, Fred Harran, cowering in fear, tries to hide from the Lord's presence, but in an instant, Lindsey Lohan appears, and God says, "Lindsay Lohan, you have sinned...." 
Now We Know What Made Her Decide to Get Sober!!

Oh well!!

Just Remember........

 While Union Fire Company, spoke the truth, and gave every bit of info they had, Harran has proven himself to be UNTRUTHFUL and UNWORTHY of being a public safety director, especially when it comes to dealing with fires and fire companies. We need to start asking what Harran and the Township are hiding.

Oh Haman!!

Just wondering why you haven't answered my question concerning Detective Clee. You know that one who got himself arrested out of state, and yet you still keep him on the job?? I mean, you carried on a USELESS two month or longer investigation against Union Fire Co., and made up complete LIES about them, while having a mere TWO day investigation against a paid firefighter, who is a high ranking officer at Cornwells, and "clearing" him. You haven't even answered my questions concerning #37, nor the township's emergency management, and fire assessment plan.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

God's Mercy is Running Out For Bensalem

For those that read the Scriptures, there are two instances found in I Samuel 24:3-22 and 26:5-25, in which David, while being pursued by then King Saul, had ample opportunity to kill Saul.  Despite this, David refused because he respected Saul, and referred to him as "the Lord's anointed". He even on both of these occasions, confronted Saul on this wanting to know just why he (Saul) was pursuing him. Despite Saul's "contrition" he never really changed, and in the end God took Saul's life in battle.  In case you're wondering what I am getting at, read below:    
  There is a discipline code called, "conduct unbecoming an officer" (This is the basis on which they fired Sgt. Marran, over the alleged rape of a female paramedic.) My concern, is that why hasn't this used on Fred Harran who is now the Public safety Director, concerning the accusation that he filled out the Safers Grant fraudulently, as well as went against township ordinances in forming the paid fire department? Why is it that Harran is so insistent, that the accusations of a paid member of the fire department sending nude cell phone pics of himself to a female volunteer, are "unfounded", when there is evidence to the contrary?? Above all why did this "investigation" only take TWO DAYS, whereas his "investigation" of Union Fire Co. took several months?? Why is the township, and Harran trying to intimidate a young volunteer from Newport, and his father to NOT press charges against a paid fire fighter Who happens to be a volunteer for Newport! 
You see, a lot like these instances there are things concerning the township and certain individuals within the BTPD, that bother me. Things that I have learned, based on a great deal of investigation, that have been asserted by other reliable sources, concerning Haman, Nabal, and others, that if I were mean enough to publicize, I would put on here, but they involve innocent people, and its not my style to hurt the innocent.  However, there are things that Haman and Nabal have done/are doing, I would and insist that they be held to the same standard, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You know what I'm talking about gentlemen. (I use the word loosely with you two!) You know, they need to be reported to the PA Attorney general, and if I were the volunteer firefighters, I'd do it! I'd also advise the Bensalem Democrats to capitalize on this. Quit the "I give up." and "What did they do for me?" attitude, and start asking questions.

Oh Your Majesty!!!

April 2nd has come and gone. Where is my "Right To Know" request concerning Steve Moran's Severance Package? Just like the Bensalem Democrats, I have a right to know this.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Liberal Press Hypocricy in Action!

As a friend of mine said, "Newsweek's blasphemy. Doesn't offend or surprise me, like my professor Dr. Hershel York once said, "Don't be surprised when the heathen act like heathen." It just makes me shake my head because it is so typical and hyporcritical because they would never dare do such a thing to the "prophet" Mohammed. Every year, it is the same, it is ONLY Jesus that gets mocked. NOT Mohammed, that would be "Islamiphobic." NOT Moses, that would be Anti-Semitic. NOT Siddharth Gutamma (Buddha), that would be anti-Asian or whatever. Blasphemy against Christ is the only one not only tolerated but perpetuated by the media. Like Jesus said, "The world hates Me because I testify that its works are evil."


Gee, look what made its way to my doorstep this morning!! It seems to me that the very firefighters, who were being told lies by you Haman, are no longer falling for them, and have had it with you. I guess it's like Princess Lea said in Star Wars, "The more you tighten your grip, the more galaxies will slip through your fingers."

We as members of the Bensalem Fire Service thought we would bring a few issues that we have been monitoring to your attention.
1. A paid firefighter from the Bensalem Fire-Rescue department drove his personal vehicle to the Newport Fire Company in a highly intoxicated state. On arrival, he assaulted a Newport volunteer firefighter and vandalized the firefighter's vehicle. The intoxicated paid firefighter then got into his vehicle and left after speaking with the head of the Bensalem Fire-Rescue department by phone. Before the intoxicated paid firefighter left the firehouse, he threatened the witnesses to the assault!! The police and an ambulance were summoned to the scene of the assault. The victim of the assault was transported to the hospital for treatment. Was the victim or the witnesses interviewed by detectives from the Bensalem Police Department? NO. Were charges filed against the paid firefighter for the assault and vandalism? NO. Were charges filed against the paid firefighter for the threats made to the witnesses? NO. Was the paid firefighter charged with DUI that was witnessed by the victim and the witnesses? NO. Did the Public Safety Director call a press conference to state that this paid firefighter was a danger to the public and the emergency services? NO. Have township officials reached out to the victim and encouraged him NOT to pursue the matter? YES. Is the whole incident being hushed up by the Public Safety Director? YES. Where is the press release that he loves to give?
2. A rumor was circulating from several sources within a township fire company that one of its chief officers who is also a paid firefighter for the Bensalem Fire-Rescue department took pornographic pictures of himself and sent them to a female volunteer firefighter. Within two days of the rumors surfacing, the Director of Public Safety sent an e-mail to the volunteer fire companies stating that the rumor was unfounded. IN JUST TWO DAYS!
3. Considering that the Director of Public Safety personally assigned a detective to conduct a two month investigation, concerning the "water incident" with Union Fire Co., interviewed numerous people, (Except the officer in charge of the incident!), and the outside agency witnesses who tried to provide statements and video evidence contradicting the claim made by a source that has yet to be revealed to the victims of the false allegations, we find it amazing that the Director of Public Safety completed the investigation into the paid firefighter's pornographic pictures in just two days.
4. Has the Director of Public Safety asked to have a committee appointed to oversee the paid fire service that has been over budget since its inception? No. Has the Director of Public Safety asked to have a committee appointed to oversee the paid fire service that has consistently failed to inspect all the businesses in the township at least once per year since its inception? No. Has the Director of Public Safety asked to have a committee appointed to oversee the paid fire service that has consistently failed to provide inspection reports to the volunteer fire service for use in pre-planning? No.
5. Has the Director of Public Safety addressed the failures of the township training facility to meet the needs of the fire service as were indicated in the pre-build study?
It seems to us that if you connected to the township government you can get away with anything. We noted in the latest "What's going on around town" political publication that the paid members of the police department were noted as supporting the 2012 Special Olympics Polar Plunge (there first year doing so), yet the volunteers who have done so for years were not mentions. Your lack of attention to the volunteers in our township is duly noted.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Jerusalem Countdown

This is a movie you WILL WANT TO SEE. I know a great deal of you have disagreed with me on the issues of the End Times, but this is something you don't want to ignore. This movie, is part of why I am insisting on a copy of the Township's Emergency Management Plan, because when a very pivotal event in this movie happens you better be prepared.


Just wanted to say "Nice try" concerning the "package" Haman had you send me. I received it over the weekend, and it still FAILS to meet the specifications I am asking. The DVD focuses on Bucks County and NOT on Bensalem, and is too broad as a result. You know as well as I do, that during the first 72 hours of any disaster/emergency situation, NO State, Federal, or Red Cross officials, will be here to do anything, so in short Bensalem will be on its own for 3 days!! During that time, which is very critical, I am again asking the following:
2. If an evacuation becomes necessary
 A. What shelters will be made available?
C. What transportation will be made available for those with disabilities to get to these places? and
3. What will be done for pets of evacuees?
I just want HONEST answers to these questions. I DON'T think its too much to ask.
Guess the next stop on this, will be...........