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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

One Corrupt Official Down...............


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We Were Just Wondering...........

1. If the township needs $5,000,000.00 to purchase radios for the fire companies and the police department, why is the Mayor giving $300.00 to each homeowner (at a total cost of $4,500,000.00) when the money could be used to purchase these radios? Maybe the Mayor is right, you can buy votes! What happens if they don't get the grant from the County? They were smart to go in with Bristol Township, Middletown Township and Hulmeville Borough to get the money. We believe it would be hard to get the County to give us MORE casino money when we already get $11,000,000.00.
2. When are they going to stop throwing bad money after bad money? Everyone and anyone who knows anything about the fire service knows that the facility they built at the intersections of Street Road, Rt 1 and the PA Turnpike is a disaster. Anyone that wants to know the truth, just has to look up the National Fire Protection Association standards for a fire training center with live burn capabilities. Or…you can go to River Road in the Croydon section of Bristol Township and see the correct way to do it.
3. With a $6, 5000,000.00 deficit in 2010, the current township administration has failed to provide the community with ANY plan to address this issue. Drawing from the reserves is NOT the answer. Tightening the belt is! Our country and this township are in a recession (only because the politicians are too afraid to use the word depression) that is expected to continue for the next 5-7 years. There are NO plans for tightening the belt.
4. It is nice to get a rebate, it is nice to have the amphitheater, it is nice to have free movies…but…we are in a financial crisis which no one in the current government is addressing. Fiscal responsibility means watching what we are spending our tax dollar on and cutting back on things we WANT but don't NEED.
5. The fact that a fire company came to the last council meeting and the government refused to broadcast the council meeting! Someone is hiding something!
6. Despite the legal requirement, there is NO TOWNSHIP EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN.
7. What have we done with the property we traded the head of Public Works for?
You have a choice people. You can either get involved, ask questions, and provide solutions. Or, you can just sit back at the next amphitheater program and...........


Through Being "Nice". Now the Gloves are OFF!!

Certain individuals who I am dearly fond of, have just caved in to a bunch of JACKALS, and no longer want me in their precious organization. They say I am nothing more than a "disgruntled republican", and have done nothing but attack and malign me. Some have gone so far to make threatening statements, in an effort to get me to reveal the identities of scared individuals who are doing the right thing, but I refused to cave in. I get further attacked by someone who knows absolutely NOTHING about me, and when I respond to them and make it public, (Which is my 1st amendment right!), I'm the one that gets "punished". Well, enough is enough!! I am through being "nice" and I am through letting others think that I am a shill for any one party, especially the democrats. I have been an independent voice, but now I will make sure people KNOW this is the case. I refuse to be a part of an organization that allows other members to attack someone who is offering sound and true suggestions to help them win this election, nor will I give into threats and intimidation from them. As of right now, I am NO LONGER a part of the Bensalem Democratic Organization!!

Don't worry!! I will still be a pain in the butt to the corrupt officials in this town and this county, but I refuse to help out any one party anymore!! All I can say to the BDO, is since you have chosen to ignore the one key thing to win this.........


Charley Martin and Pat Poprik..... Perfect Together!!

I firmly believe that this goes farther than Doylestown, and got information that it may very well have gone on here in Bensalem!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

To Everyone Out There

I pray that everyone was safe from "Irene's wrath", and that wherever you may live, that there were no lives lost.If you have ANY pics and/or want to share what is going on in your area, feel free to post here. to ALL HONORABLE first responders, stay safe and you are being prayed for.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Just wanted to say how much I thoroughly "enjoyed" the little "press conference" show you , Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, Sponheimer, and Topley put on for all the "little people" of this town. Never has saying nothing in a crisis situation been so entertaining. May I make a suggestion?? When you are on camera, don't be so deadpan and try to smile! Its so nice to know, that they have you doing more than wasting taxpayer $$$ snooping on my blogs, but the way you were acting on there, made me believe that Invasion of the Body Snatchers had taken place, and you were one of the "pod people". PLEASE, do all of us a favor, and come up with a genuine Emergency Plan!!


Friday, August 26, 2011

An Emergency Plan YOu Can Actually See In Writing!!

Since this town refuses to show their Emergency Management Plan, I figured I would show this as a friendly reminder as to what to do in the event of ANY major emergency. Just doing my part to keep everyone safe.

To quote Governor Christie:
“Get the hell off the beach … and get in your car,”  “You’re done, its 4:30, you’ve maximized your tan.”

Hey Deron and Dawn!!

Just wondering why the township council meeting replays were cancelled? Above all, I am wondering why the live broadcast from Monday NEVER showed up on TV?? Could it be that as soon as Joey D and council saw Union Fire Co. Chief Dave Jerri come into the room, that you were informed to shut everything off?? You do know that what you are doing is a violation of "the Sunshine Law" right?? If you have NOTHING to hide, then you don't need to worry, right?? Then............


Budget Still a Valid Issue

There are those who are trying to not have the township's budget be used as an issue in this election, but I believe this budget issue has EVERYTHING to do with the current election. I believe this to be so, because of how they handled it, and because they really did not fix it. The following reasons below are why I maintain this view:

1. Just so everyone knows, this issue WAS brought up before the budget meeting, and it was done by me, and the BCCT.They (the township) handled the 2010 shortage (Stress 2010 going into 2011!) POORLY, by dipping into the trust fund they have from selling the water and sewage co. and "laying off" 6 people!! The problem with this, is that they could have found better ways of doing this, and when it comes to lay offs, they purposely didn't go about this effectively, but based it on political influence. Two of those people "laid off" were Rosalee Flemke, Bensalem Police's Domestic Violence Services Coordinator, and Dave Fiedler the former Public Relations Director and head of TD Bank Amphitheater, and they WERE terminated. I spoke with Rosalie who is a friend of mine, and Fiedler has stated this in print, which I have, so I know this to be true.

2. I have gone over the budget and so have others, and we have found numerous things on it for this year that lead us to believe this year will end in a deficit for beginning 2012, and its to the tune of over 9 million dollars!! That is what Iam talking about!! I and many others have asked questions on this, but the council and the mayor REFUSE to answer, so it shows they have something to hide. I believe this budget issue has EVERYTHING to do with the current election, because of how they handled it, and because they really did not fix it. the following below is why I maintain this. While I understand that you have to have a balanced budget, and that you need a current status of the budget, that is correct. The main issue is that, they need to explain how they had a 6.5 million dollar deficit last year if they had a balanced budget.They also need to show us that the current budget (2011 to 2012) is truly balanced.

All I am saying everyone, is don't count a valid point out.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I really hope and pray that this is not an attempt to make this go away before the elections, or to stall it, and not mention any more until after the election.


Just wanted to see if you had the courage to respond to the following issues for me:

1. The Director of Public Safety REFUSES to give the Bensalem Fire Service a copy of the SAFER grant.

2. The fire service was able to obtain a copy of the Bensalem SAFER grant application. When confronted with the false or misleading information contained in the grant application, the fire marshal's office and the Public Safety Director refused to address the issue.

3. The Director of Public Safety sat on the grant for over a year. NEVER released any information to the fire service or how the paid fire service was to interact with the volunteer fire service.

4. The Director of Public Safety refuses to release the completed survey of the fire service to the fire service. First we were told that he could not meet with the fire service because he was reviewing the survey with lawyers (that does not make sense). Months later, we were told he was still reading it!

5. The Director of Public Safety refuses to provide the volunteer fire service with the Standard Operating Procedures/Guidelines for the paid firefighters. This is against National Fire Protection Association standards.

6. The Director of Public Safety created Battalion 222 but does not explain the purpose of the appointment to the fire service.

7. The Director of Public Safety refuses to release fire inspection reports to the fire service. The fire service uses these reports to keep their personnel informed of hazards and improve fire department responses.

8. The Director of Public Safety issued a "gag order" (which he has no authority to do) to the fire service regarding an incident involving the Union Fire Company.

9. The Director of Public Safety threatened to arrest the Chief of the Union Fire Company for asking questions about the investigation.

10. Despite numerous complaints regarding fire inspectors and now the paid fire service spending hours parked at fire stations in the township and not inspecting businesses, there has been no action or response to the complaints. In fairness, several of the current township councilmen said they were aware of the problem when advised of the situation. Still, there is no action.

11. Despite the increase in personnel, the fire marshal's office continues failing to inspect all the businesses in Bensalem.

12. The volunteer fire service complained to the Mayor regarding the reduction in funding for the volunteer fire service. This reduction is occurring even though the Director of Public Safety stated that the call volume continues to increase. This increase is NOT limited to the times the paid fire service is on duty.

13. The Public Safety Director violated township ordinances when he formed the paid fire company.

14. The Public Safety Director has not provided a funding program for the paid fire service. This in spite of being asked by the volunteer fire service and the Bensalem Council!!

15. The Director of Public Safety continues to interfere with the volunteer fire services attempts to provide additional and increased service to the community without requiring additional tax support.

16. The Director of Public Safety interfered with a grant application for the Union Fire Company on numerous occasions AFTER the grant was awarded. Despite being continuously updated on the three year progress of the marine unit project.

17. A member of the fire marshal's office attempting to interfere with the marine unit project even though this person has little to no marine operations training.

18. The Director of Public Safety supporting an increase in taxes to support CURRENT levels of emergency medical service. When the request for increased funding was announced at a council meeting, the funding was intended to keep current levels of service. These current levels of service required outside emergency medical services to respond into Bensalem to handle the calls not capable of being handled by the current staffing levels within Bensalem. The Director of Public Safety interfered with and attempted to sabotage an additional advanced life support ambulance in Bensalem at NO COST to the tax payer.

19. The sudden laying off of the township fire marshal without any explanation to the fire service.

20. The fire service was told that the fire marshal's office was now going in a different direction. We are still waiting for someone to tell us what direction it is going in.

21. Numerous complaints about the location and capabilities of the $5,000,000.00 training center built between Street Rd, Rt 1 and the PA turnpike. None of these complaints were answered prior to the construction. Now the problems are permanent and not correctable.


Another Attempt to Control Businesses in Bensalem

Good thing that they did change the provision for businesses to be from Bensalem ONLY, to be within 10 miles of Bensalem. Clearly, it was an attempt on the part of this town to have their very own monopoly in this area.

Corruption Knows No Bounds!!

Looks like the sherrif's department is having some issues. Worse yet, no one wants to talk!!

Controversial Fees Stopped

Looks like the school board has a conscience. I hope they can solve this without raising any more taxes on the people of this town.
Myers says decision could cost district $200,000

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I was very sad to hear about this yesterday, and wanted to share. I visited his store on multiple occasions, and NO ONE can beat his steak sandwiches. He was a true American who spoke his mind, and was not afraid to do so.



This is taking place tonight, and I highly encourage everyone to go to this and speak your peace. I especially encourage those who see the truth behind the smokescreen the township has been putting over on everyone with the Budget and make your voices known!!

Here's Where its at:
Tonight 7:30 pm 
Dorothy Call Administrative Center 
Donallen Drive. 
Bensalem PA

Check This Out!!

These are tips from the American Red Cross, for what to do in case of earthquake. If I were the Bensalem Police, I would REALLY Look at them!!

Emergency Management Plan? What Plan??

Yesterday was really weird, and probably really scared all of you. I know it did me a bit, but I also knew that I was in God's hands, and he never leaves me hanging. Makes you wonder though as to what our ever so wonderful "Bensalem Branch of the Keystone Kops", were doing to handle the crisis. I bet you all didn't know that the township does NOT have their own Emergency Management Plan. No Joke!! Don't believe me?? go to the township and see for yourself. I challenge anyone, including Fred Harran to show me a copy of this town's emergency management plan!! Several people have gone to the township to request either a copy of it, or to see it, but they refuse claiming that it would be a "Security Risk", and don't want terrorists to have it. In other words, they won't show us any plan, because they have none, and want to use the "terrorist excuse", to cover their own short comings in this area. Now they want to cover their sin up, by joining with other Municipalities located within Bucks County to establish one joint emergency operations plan. I have news for you Harran: IT WON'T WORK!! All the lies and evil things you have done to others are catching up to you, and no one is going to help you out of this. The people of this town are wising up to you, and your crooked games.

Your Dictatorship is Ending and its Ending NOW!!


Its time to start ridding ourselves of the corruption that has existed for so long in this county. This is a great area to begin with, but while we are at it, let's start with the rats within our individual townships/boroughs. its time to..............

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


 Just wondering what its like to get paid for doing NOTHING!!!!!

Council Meeting August 22, 2011: Joey D and Council are Starting to Show Fear

As many of you can tell, I was at last night's council meeting, and I could tell it was "business as usual" for them. First they approve a buying of the votes in this township, to the tune of $300 per homeowner!! Guys, we are in the midst of a bad year economically, we were $6.5 million in the hole last year, and now we have a POTENTIAL OVER $9 MILLION DEFICIT, and they want to spend over $4 million, on buying people's votes?? I DON'T THINK SO!! Don't believe me?? think I am "spreading lies and hate"?? How about this: I have a copy of the township's budget, and I am finding out a great deal of interesting things within it. To start with, I am seeing over $6 million being used for something called a "Community Spirit Fund". Apparently, this covers the TD Bank Amphitheater, Building a Better Bensalem, and any other Joey D propaganda tactic. That's money that could be used for much better purposes!! I also saw the budget for the Country Club, and that is a real mess!! I also got a good look at the salaries of the upper echelon cops (Harran, Ponticelli, etc.) and found that they are getting over three quarters of a million dollars in salary combined!!
I also noticed that when the new chief of Union Dave Jerri, Sr. showed up to discuss the "18 Safety Issues" Harran MADE UP concerning Union fire Co. to shut them down and ILLEGALLY remove Vincent Troisi as Chief, the fear in the eyes of the council and the mayor were do prevalent, that Ed Kisselback President of the council became VERY rude and obnoxious with the new chief, and it got even worse once Harris Martin came up and asked some very uncomfortable questions about the Fire Training Center. Ponticelli of all things was present (More than likely at council's request.), which made me wonder where in the world Harran was hiding. During this, Ponticelli had the nerve to say that this training center was "the best in the east coast"!!!! What a LIE!!! The ultimate interesting part of this, was that we found out later, that the live broadcast for this had been shut off (How about never even broadcast to begin with!) by Deron Miller, who is Anne Boleyn's little side kick!! Gee, I wonder who made that executive decision??
It was very clear to myself and MANY others that the council, and the mayor are VERY afraid of not only Union Fire Co., but also of being asked ANY serious question put to them by anyone. Now is the time to stand up as a town, and as a community, and hold this current township government accountable for the sins it has committed. We need to start going to EVERY council meeting from now on, until we get the answers we want, and we also need to get out en mass, this November, and make our voices known in this town.


Township Buying Your Votes

"When asked about the rebates later in the meeting, Council President Edward Kisselback said there might come a time when the township won't be able to use the casino taxes for this program, but they did this year."
Gee.... sounds like Kisselback is indicating that there is a POSSIBLE issue with the budget. If so, why give the rebates out now??? I know why. ITS AN ELECTION YEAR, and they're trying to buy YOUR vote!!

Monday, August 22, 2011


Just wondering what its like to get paid for doing NOTHING!!!!! I am also wondering how you plan on paying for the paid fire service when the SAFER Grant runs out??

The Purvis Brothers

Wonderful and brave men. Its a shame that this town has disintegrated into the cesspool of racism within it today, especially within the Bensalem Police.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I had to say that being at the Middletown Grange Fair was an absolute blast, and brought back some wonderful childhood memories. It was a great honor to meet other democrats, and also meet other people who care about the situation this county is in, just as much as I do.
You see, I had not been to a fair since 1986, when I was 16 (Now I am really showing my age!), and it brought back all the fun I had going to county fairs. I got to see a lot of farm animals, which for me is lots of fun, because I LOVE animals. The best part, was that one of the most wonderful things I saw, was a "Polish Hen", which I had never seen before. Last but certainly not least, was the FOOD!! there was every type of fair food imaginable, and I had a blast!!. I think my fave was their chicken dinner, which was well worth the $14.00.
Of course, there were lots of people who expressed their opinions as to the state of the county, and I even had a Republican riding around in a motorized scooter giving all of us a great BIG #1 with his middle finger. I guess he was showing BOTH his age and his IQ! I even had a chance to say hello to those handling the Republican tent. For their sakes, I really hope they were paid well for cutting string, and passing around all that hot air. Despite the rain and the mud, all I can say, is.......... THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Come On Out to the Middletown Grange Fair!!
  • Where: 684 Penns Park Rd, Newtown, PA 18940 (Middletown Grange #684 Fairgrounds)
  • Date: Daily
  • Time: 10:00am–10:00pm
  • Next on: Today, August 20, 2011

If anyone is interested, come on out the the Middletown Grange Fair in Newtown, PA. I will be at the Bucks County Democratic Party booth, from 6-10PM, representing the Bensalem Democratic Organization. Come on by and say Hi!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Honorable Battalion Chief Needs YOUR Support

Please take time out to check this page, and support this honorable fireman.

More Shadiness Within Bensalem Township
What they also say, is that unlike money, manure stinks, and if not "spread" properly, can cause more problems, than it solves. The problem with this situation, is that we currently have a potential $9 million dollar deficit, and they want to hand out money they don't have?? It really makes you wonder what the township has been doing with the casino money all these years, and why is it that when a concerned citizen asks a genuine question about the township's budget, they get NO HONEST ANSWERS!!

PARX Gets Another Slap on the Wrist

This addictive eyesore ruins countless lives, the town profits off of it, and all it gets is a $15,000 fine????


More of the Slim Fitzi Follies

Apparently, Fitzi has really  lost his marbles, if he thinks that the people of this county are going to buy into his actions, or should I say in-actions concerning the unemployment situation. I have news for those who down Unions,and the especially those who down the workers of Express Scripts.Unions didn't cause the termination of employment. Greedy, inconsiderate, thoughtless companies like Express Scripts, caused this to occur, because they decided to outsource all their services. All for the almighty $$$$$!!


Thursday, August 18, 2011


Let me clue everyone in on this. What started this whole thing was an ignorant individual, who thinks that EVERYONE on his block are criminals, even 80-90 year old women!! What made this even worse, was an even more ignorant police officer, making despicable statements to people, then attempting to cover up his actions, by arresting the very person exposing his discriminatory behavior!! Now its being exposed for all to see, and this particular police officer is going to still be allowed to wear the uniform??? I don't think so!! This situation more than calls for an outside investigation, and I believe it needs to occur NOW!!


Holding Addictive Eyesore Accountable For its Actions

For the sake of those who have addictions, I pray that something substantial is done about this. Otherwise this addictive eyesore is going to claim more victims, and Joey D and council will continue to profit from the misery of others.

The Firefighters Take A Stand!!

Just found this on my doorstep this morning, and it looks like the Firefighters want JUSTICE!!

We as a group of volunteer firefighters from Bensalem with experience from less than 5 years to more than 25 years met to discuss the following information.

A public official withheld information about a commercial arson attempt for the fire company responsible for that area. A second fire was set in that building. The fire company responsible for that location was dispatched to an alarm system in a business located 2 businesses from the building with the set fire. Eventually the intentionally set fire was discovered. The fire company was placed in unnecessary danger due to the information being withheld from them. Did this activity endanger the firefighters and the public? YES! What was done to the public official when it was discovered that he withheld the information? He closed down the fire company responsible for the area!
A business in Bensalem Township was cited on numerous occasions by the Fire Marshal for safety considerations. When the Fire Marshal tried to close the business due to the safety considerations, the government of Bensalem stepped in and refused to permit the closure. Within a few months a fire occurred in the business endangering the lives of the responding firefighters. What happened after that? They got rid of the Fire Marshal!
A public official withheld knowledge from our government officials that Bucks County was building a training center in the lower portion of our County that would meet ALL the needs of the fire service. Instead, this public official pushed forward a training center that from the start was pointed out WOULD NOT MEET THE NEEDS OF THE FIRE SERVICE IN BENSALEM. The Township spent over $5,000,000.00 on the training center AND IT IS STILL NOT COMPLETE! When it and if it is completed IT STILL WILL NOT MEET THE TRAINING NEEDS OF THE FIRE SERVICE IN BENSALEM! What was done by the government of Bensalem Township when this information was passed to them? NOTHING!
A public official submitted a SAFER grant to the Federal government with false information contained within the application. When the Mayor and Council of Bensalem were made aware of this information they refused to address the issue. Instead, the Mayor and the public official responsible for the SAFER grant held a meeting with the presidents and chiefs of the township fire companies. Prior to the meeting, they refused to tell the fire companies what the meeting was for. At the meeting, they announced that they intended to take funds away from the volunteer fire companies to support the paid fire firefighters hired through the grant. The volunteer fire companies were STILL REQUIRED TO PROVIDE THE SAME SERVICES THAT THEY DID BEFORE THE PAID FIREFIGHTERS WERE HIRED, JUST WITH LESS MONEY!
Now that everyone in the fire service in Bensalem and surrounding areas know that the accusations that the chief of one of the fire companies, who refused to give water to the paid fire company are FALSE what is being done to the public official that caused this embarrassment? NOTHING!
To the Mayor and Council of Bensalem Township; you shut down a fire company for "safety issues" that to this date, no one knows about. The safety issues listed above are founded and threatened the lives of volunteer firefighters in Bensalem Township and the citizens of our community working at the businesses described.


To ANYONE Who Wants to Debate Me

I have said it before and I will say it again, I stick to the issues, and the facts concerning this town and what goes on within it. I have the township's budget, and several other pieces of evidence to back up everything I post, so if you have something concrete to offer, that proves otherwise PROVE ME WRONG!! You can contact me at either!/groups/RHNI2Bensalem (get yourself a Face Book page!), go on my MySpace page​ntegrity4bensalem, (It is open to everyone who has a MySpace page!), get yourself a blogspot account/page and visit http://restorehonor-n-integrit..​ or, e-mail me at, and debate me honorably.
Until then....


Remember This??
Looks like the township FINALLY got what they wanted. Way to go "Your majesty"!!
I said this before and I will say it again: This smacks of nothing more than a political stunt, done just right about now to get votes. PLEASE!!! You have to do a lot more than this to get the town to vote your sorry behinds in again, especially since you are responsible for the budget problem we have had since 2010, (You know, the $6.5 million dollar deficit!) and have done NOTHING substantial to get us out of it!! What scares me the most, is that we have another possible deficit this year, and by the time this year is up, it might be over ten million dollars!!!

Good Morning Ponticelli!!!

How does it feel to be Harran's little "toadie"???

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Funeral for the Middle Class Event

This is an important event You don't want to miss out on. PLEASE come and hold this Bully accountable for his actions or should I say his in-actions concerning jobs and health care.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Lies From the Township

Let's try the truth for once, guys. The REAL reason this is being held up, is because you don't have the $$$ to finish it!!! This is because we have another deficit on our hands!! BTW... Wasn't this supposed to be a "Community Gym"?????

Today's Shout Out

Just wanted to send a "shout out" to my two "biggest fans": Harran and his toady stooge Ponticelli. Good Morning Ponticelli!!! How do you rate using police equipment and tax payer $$$ to go on my MySpace page??? If the people of this town knew (Which they will!) that their tax payer $$$ was being spent on YOU going on the internet and visiting my sites, instead of making yourself useful and going OUTSIDE and catching REAL bad guys, they would send you and Harran out on a rail!!

The Skeletons Keep Coming Out!!!

Here is some more interesting information I learned last night, and was able to confirm this morning. It seems that the Skeletons in Harran's closet are really slipping out, and pretty soon, the door is going to burst open, and it will make Pandora's Box look like a musical toy.
One of our fire companies had a fire company official take over $1,000.00 from fire company funds to pay off a gambling debt. Is that fire company being harassed by the Director of Public Safety? NO. Is there an investigation into this fire company by the Director of Public Safety? NO. Is this one of the fire companies that would benefit from pooling the Relief Association money in the township? YES.
Is the Director of Public Safety conducting an investigation into the township training center? Even though we spent over $5,000,000.00 for the facility and it limits the amount of training the firefighters can perform there? NO. What about the fact that the Director of Public Safety knew about the facility being built in the lower end of the County which would be free and cost the township nothing? Is the Mayor and the Council investigating that? NO.
Does anyone else find it odd that the paid daytime firefighters which were established to support the volunteer firefighters are now requiring the volunteer firefighters to financially support them? The Mayor admitted at a council meeting that he didn't know that the SAFER grant submitted in 2008 needed to take away funding from the volunteer firefighters to pay for it. The Mayor then admitted that he didn't know about the need to take money away from the volunteer fire companies until 2010! This is more than a year after the township received the grant. Is there an investigation into this lack of planning? NO.
Does anyone find it odd that the township police department has over 15 unmarked "take home" vehicles? We understand the marked police vehicles being an added deterrent to crime. Other than free gas and transportation, what do the unmarked take home vehicles do to deter crime?
How about the "transfer of land" between the township and the head of Public Works? Anyone see a problem with that? Is there an investigation into this land transfer? NO.
The township has ANOTHER MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT, is anyone in the township government coming up with any ideas to address this deficit? NO. Instead, the township government continues to ignore the public and refuse to provide answers to the community. We are facing another severe deficit, so what are we to expect from our local officials? We believe we will hear more of the "we are the best township" speeches to confuse the public and ignore the problem.
What about the fact the Director of Public Safety permitted the Bensalem EMS to remove the ambulance from the Cornwells Fire Company and put in the Newport Fire Company substation on Bensalem Bl.? Is there an investigation into that?
We will be reaching out to our friends in the Union Fire Company this week. We intend to find out about the whole "refused to give water to the paid fire company" incident. We also want to hear from them about why their fire company was shut down. It is amazing that we have heard nothing about the "dangerous activities to the public and fire service". It appears from the history of the Director of Public Safety that he can make false and unfunded accusations without any evidence, without any consequences. Is there an investigation into the conduct of the Director of Public Safety's conduct by the township? NO.

I happen to know the name of the fire official who did this, and fire company that will benefit from this "pooling" of the township's relief association money. Out of compassion, I won't say who they are, YET. Rest assured, if I need to, I WILL!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Simple Challenge

Funny how the cheerleaders, critics, and the cronies come out to make useless insults, but never offer ANY facts. Its even more interesting to see family members of cronies offer this the most. "Wendy'sShadow" "Iron Sheik", "HonkyTonkMan", 'therealtruthbetold", and any other cheerleader and/or cronies of this township's administration, I have said it before and I will say it again, I stick to the issues, and the facts concerning this town and what goes on within it. I have the township's budget, and several other pieces of evidence to back up everything I post, so if you have something concrete to offer, that proves otherwise PROVE ME WRONG!! You can contact me at either, go on my MySpace page​ntegrity4bensalem, (It is open to everyone who has a MySpace page!), get yourself a blogspot account/page and visit http://restorehonor-n-integrit..​ and debate me honorably.
Until then....


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time For A "Housecleaning" in Bensalem

I found this in Scripture during my morning devotions, and felt led of the Lord to share with all of you. I put the passage in two different translations, so that you would better appreciate the gravity of to only the passage, and what it means, but the message I have been led of the Lord to get across.

Jeremiah 7:1-11

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

The Nation That Wouldn't Obey God

The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying:

2"Stand in the gate of the LORD'S house, and proclaim there this word and say, 'Hear the word of the LORD, all ye of Judah, who enter in at these gates to worship the LORD!

3Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place.

4Trust ye not in lying words, saying, "The temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD are these."

5For if ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings, if ye thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor,

6if ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt,

7then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever.

8"'Behold, ye trust in lying words that cannot profit.

9Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not,

10and come and stand before Me in this house which is called by My name, and say, "We are delivered" -- to do all these abominations?

11Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD.

Jeremiah 7:1-11

The Message (MSG)
1-2 The Message from God to Jeremiah: "Stand in the gate of God's Temple and preach this Message.
2-3"Say, 'Listen, all you people of Judah who come through these gates to worship God. God-of-the-Angel-Armies, Israel's God, has this to say to you: 3-7"'Clean up your act—the way you live, the things you do—so I can make my home with you in this place. Don't for a minute believe the lies being spoken here—"This is God's Temple, God's Temple, God's Temple!" Total nonsense! Only if you clean up your act (the way you live, the things you do), only if you do a total spring cleaning on the way you live and treat your neighbors, only if you quit exploiting the street people and orphans and widows, no longer taking advantage of innocent people on this very site and no longer destroying your souls by using this Temple as a front for other gods—only then will I move into your neighborhood. Only then will this country I gave your ancestors be my permanent home, my Temple.
8-11"'Get smart! Your leaders are handing you a pack of lies, and you're swallowing them! Use your heads! Do you think you can rob and murder, have sex with the neighborhood wives, tell lies nonstop, worship the local gods, and buy every novel religious commodity on the market—and then march into this Temple, set apart for my worship, and say, "We're safe!" thinking that the place itself gives you a license to go on with all this outrageous sacrilege? A cave full of criminals! Do you think you can turn this Temple, set apart for my worship, into something like that? Well, think again. I've got eyes in my head. I can see what's going on.'" God's Decree!

Over the past several years, I have noticed a blanket of indifference, and an attitude of "If it isn't broke, then don't fix it." I have especially noticed this within this town over the past 2 years, and have felt the need to say something, but didn't quite know how to do so, until now. I have made many previous efforts, but have been met with not only resistance, but outright LIES. Lies about myself, in assaulting my character, and much more, without the slightest bit of evidence or fact to support them. I on the other hand have had FACT and EVIDENCE to support everything I have said on here, and Have even challenged others to prove me wrong, but NO ONE CAN!!
It is at this point, that I am now through with being "subtle", and am now going to be direct. I say this to those who are running this town, and to all those who are the Mayor's cheerleaders, in an effort to get you to see to and admit to, the truth. To paraphrase this passage of Scripture, all of you, CLEAN UP YOUR ACT!!! You are acting just like the children of Israel in Jeremiah's day, who thought they could commit all manner of sin: Adultery, (wife swapping, and cheating on your mates with township employees), fraud, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, murder, and blatant abuse of power, and show up at whatever house of worship you attend, thinking you're safe? I have news for you, you're NOT!!
The truth is coming out,and people all over this town, are starting to ask questions. Questions about the township's budget, the training center, what was done to Union fire Company, and MUCH MORE. We can tell you are getting nervous about it, because when these very questions are asked at Council Meetings, they are either ignored, or we are given BLATANT lies!! So scared is Joey D and the council, that after the July 25th meeting, they cancelled the August 8th meeting for "Lack of agenda".
YEAH, RIGHT!! Harran, you too are scared. You're afraid of this town finding out the REAL reason behind the suspension of Union Fire Company, and also afraid of what will be/ has been found in the SAFER Grant that was LEGALLY obtained by the firefighters, to whom you DENIED access to!! You are also afraid of certain individuals who could make your career a nightmare, even ending it, so you badmouth, and retaliate against them for doing the right thing, in the midst of temptation.
I am here to let you all know, as well as everyone in this township know that its time not for "change", but for repentance. Its time for the fellow believers of this town, to stand up and say that they will no longer be lukewarm subjects to Joey D and this corrupt administration. Its time to take a stand, just as Jeremiah did, to say that we will not tolerate sin in ANY form. In Short, its time to.....................................


Saturday, August 13, 2011


To me this is just another "Look at us" stunt by the Bensalem Police, but I will give props to the K-9 Officer, and Axel. I hope and pray that the poor dog didn't get a belly ache from biting the scumbag.
Just remember people, the fact is they respond to reports of crime over 90% of the time, so their success rate is based on reactionary measures. They only stop crime a very small percentage of the time OUTSIDE of narcotics work. The BEST way to prevent crime, is to attack it at the source. In this instance,............

Friday, August 12, 2011

Episode 7 of "Everybody Hates Freddie": Businesses See Through the Lies

This is from a very concerned and successful business person within this township, who was at the Bensalem Business Persons Meeting. Apparently this person has quite a few concerns over our P.S.D.'s statements and actions as of late.

Here we go again! Fred Harran makes an appearance at the Bensalem Business persons meeting. He claims that crime is down. We have a wonderful group of men and women that make up our police department; however, the fact is they respond to reports of crime over 90% of the time. They stop crime a very small percentage of the time OUTSIDE of narcotics work. Fred Harran claimed that police and fire budgets are $22,000,000.00. The fire department portion of the budget is approximately $1,000,000.00. Did he mention to anyone what percentage of crimes reported to the police department are solved? Did he mention that the township has recently been bombarded with lawsuits due to actions of the Department of Public Safety? Now for the real reason Fred Harran was there. He wants money from the businesses for his PAL program. It is a wonderful program. However, the township has a Parks and Recreation department. It would be cheaper for the community to run the recreation program through Parks and Recreation. If some of the police officers want to volunteer their time they could do that.

We are in a financial crisis as a Country. Our township continues to ignore the fact. Our township is facing yet another multi-million dollar budget deficit this year. No action by our local government to address the issue. In fact, they refuse to discuss it! Fred Harran and the Mayor state to the press that there is no more money coming from the state to support the PAL program. Now they want corporations to give them money to renovate a 12,000 square foot building for the PAL program. Fred Harran stated we had to turn people from outside the community away. We should, we cannot afford to fund programs for people outside of Bensalem. Multi-jurisdictional programs should be coordinated through the County. Our government is local! Financially, we can't have it both ways!

Like a business or a family, our township has got to learn to live within its means. That means we have got to cut back. Stop scaring the public and provide alternatives to spending funds we don't have! Who is going to pay to maintain the building, staff the building and pay the utilities? All we have to do is look at the $5,000,000.00 training center disaster up the street to see what happens when the project is not well thought out. Oops, the township does not want to talk about that either.

The only time the township talk to local business owners is when they are trying to put their hands in our pockets. We are following in the footsteps of Philadelphia, Camden and the Federal government. Soon they will have depleted the remaining $54,000,000.00 in the fund from the sale of the water and sewer department. The Federal government reports that they expect the economy to remain in a weakened condition until the middle of 2013. Why would the township take on another project we can't afford?

We gave $4,000,000.00 to the school district for the new gym at the high school. Shortly afterward, the school district raises the amount the catholic schools have to pay to utilize the facilities! I thought one of the benefits for us giving the school district $4,000,000.00 was for the public to be able to use the facility? The parents of the catholic school children already pay taxes to support the public school. They do receive a bus ride to the catholic school of their choice for the high school taxes.

The idea of PAL is great. However, there are alternatives that the officers can volunteer their time at through the Parks and Recreation department that would cost less and continue to benefit the community.

Its very apparent even to people such as this person, that Fred Harran and the mayor have A LOT to hide, and and they too want the truth!!


Just What I Figured
I knew this would happen!! I KNEW IT!! First Harran makes an attempt to be like all the big city police departments, and have a PAL of his very own, then he makes foolish choices financially, and the ones who pay for it, are the children.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Silencing a Victim, or Making a Deal??

This injustice NEVER should have happened to this family to begin with!! It should have been fought, but I understand, she wants to do what is right by her family. Sounds like they gave into some major bullies.

Harran's Cronies/Plants Can't Face the Truth!!

If ANY of you think I am "bitter" I am here to say this is NOT true. I am also here to state that EVERYTHING I have put here and on my blogs, is factual, and I have evidence to back it up. Unlike others, I stick to the facts, I don't name call.

Jordan: I don't question your uncle's dedication. I question his morals. I know from many others, just the opposite of what you say, of your uncle, because if he were so "honorable", how did he rate getting Scanlon's job??
Miliski215: Prove to me that Union is not managing their finances properly!! I know they have, and that the real reason Harran is after them, is due to a personal grudge.
Bensalem Fire Firefighter, and Matt: IF 222 is so honorable, then why were the titles of the staff were changed from Inspector/Firefighter to Firefighter/Inspector?? Was it because at least one of the Inspectors couldn't pass the Firefighter's Test, so the inspectors took a different test?? Above all, why can't you answer the following questions: How in the world does the township propose to pay for the paid fire department, AFTER the SAFER Grant runs out?? As a matter of fact, how can they pay for completion of the Training Center along Street Rd., if they don't get the grants that Harran said he was putting in for?? How in the world is the township going to pay for ANY of this, since the township is in a potential over $9 million dollar deficit?? Check the township's budget if you don't believe me!! Most of all, why is there NO visible copy, of the township's emergency plan?

To ALL the Cronies and Pet Plants of Harran:
PROVE ME WRONG!! You know where to contact me.

The World According to Fred Harran

Hey Fred!! If this is so true, why the need for over 100 police officers?? Why spend nearly a million dollars or more, on exorbitant salaries for upper echelon cops who STAY INDOORS ALL DAY, outrageous overtime, while the township has an over $ 9 million dollar deficit, just for this year alone!! Not only that, but why am I hearing from concerned citizens of this town, how when they have an issue that is crime related, the police either delay in showing, or don't at all?? What about the issues of the residents in Linconia, Fred?? How about all those lousy UGLY Hotel/Motels on Business route 1?? Those are a haven for drug dealing, prostitution, and more, but the B.T.P.D. RARELY and BARELY do anything about it, unless its election time, or benefits them!! You're a phenomenal speaker alright Freddie, phenomenal at spreading the manure around!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bensalem's Finest???

I DON'T THINK SO!!! This fire service was started ILLEGALLY, many of these guys are not even qualified to be firefighters, and will wind up costing the township big time, putting us into a major budget deficit!!

I Think "Mugshot of the Day" is more Appropriate!

An Insult To Women!!

It's very apparent that the township not only does NOT have its priorities straight, but has all their cheerleaders ready to aid them when they make an obvious mistake. First, they get themselves $6.5 million dollars in the red, through obvious over-spending, and they purposely close the doors to the budget meeting. During this televised meeting we see Public Safety Director, Fred Harran of the Bensalem Police Department being one of, if not the main offender in this area. You see, the B.T.P.D. operates with a budget of $22 million dollars/year, but I am certain that not all are aware that most of the money pays the salaries of upper echelon cops, out of control overtime, and for useless sheds for motorcycles!!! Then, instead of being fiscally responsible, by cutting back on the overtime, having these upper echelon cops take a pay cut, and also start having the police pay towards their own insurance like everyone else, they go and terminate Domestic Violence Services Coordinator, Rosalee Bernadetto-Flemke, as well as the Chief Fire Marshall, a week before Christmas!! Aside from the fact that the firing of the Chief Fire Marshall is a questionable public safety decision, Fred Harran makes a decision to not only fire Ms. Flemke, but to entirely do away with a valuable service: The Domestic Violence Services Department. One thing is for certain, it makes it very glaringly apparent that Fred Harran, and the Bensalem Police department care NOTHING for women. All I can say, is that if you are a battered woman, or stalking victim living in Bensalem, don't count on the Bensalem Police being there to help. They think you're too expensive to do anything about. It also proves that Fred Harran is..............................​..........

Definite Shadiness!!

I recently learned, that Joey D and crew (Including Fred "The Little Dictator" Harran)just visited the Community Day event for a BRIEF time, and left, citing a funeral for someone within the township. Funny, my sources state that no one within the township (employee wise) passed away, and there was no funeral scheduled of any prominent township person scheduled. I learned that Joey D and crew have a habit of not staying long at these events, and that even Freddie boy himself was seen at one, carrying a side arm? 

Fred Haran: The Little Dictator

This is an updated version of something I posted a couple of months ago. It needed to be re-posted, because we need to be reminded why we're in this mess in the first place.

On several occasions, when confronted by citizens that the Director of Public Safety was misusing his power the Mayor replied; "we have to investigate all complaints that's why he is investigating". We guess that some of the complaints have slipped your mind Mr. Mayor, so we decided to remind you.
1. The Director of Public Safety STILL REFUSES to give the Bensalem Fire Service a copy of the SAFER grant.He also refuses to give this to concerned citizens of this township such as myself
2. The fire service was able to obtain a copy of the Bensalem SAFER grant application. When confronted with the false or misleading information contained in the grant application, the fire marshal's office and the Public Safety Director refused to address the issue.
3. The Director of Public Safety sat on the grant for over a year. During this time, he NEVER released any information to the fire service on where the money for the paid fire service would come from (After the grant ran out.), nor did he tell us how the paid fire service was to interact with the volunteer fire service.
4. The Director of Public Safety refuses to release the completed survey of the fire service to the fire service. First we were told that he could not meet with the fire service because he was reviewing the survey with lawyers (that does not make sense). Months later, we were told he was still reading it!
5. The Director of Public Safety refuses to provide the volunteer fire service with the Standard Operating Procedures/Guidelines for the paid firefighters. This is against National Fire Protection Association standards.
6. The Director of Public Safety created Battalion 222 but does not explain the purpose of the appointment to the fire service.
7. The Director of Public Safety refuses to release fire inspection reports to the fire service. The fire service uses these reports to keep their personnel informed of hazards and improve fire department responses.
8. The Director of Public Safety issued a "gag order" (which he has no authority to do) to the fire service regarding an incident involving the Union Fire Company.
9. The Director of Public Safety threatened to arrest the Chief of the Union Fire Company for asking questions about the investigation.
10. Despite numerous complaints regarding fire inspectors and now the paid fire service spending hours parked at fire stations in the township and not inspecting businesses, there has been no action or response to the complaints. In fairness, several of the current township councilmen said they were aware of the problem when advised of the situation. Still, there is no action.
11. Despite the increase in personnel, the fire marshal's office continues failing to inspect all the businesses in Bensalem.

12. The volunteer fire service complained to the Mayor regarding the reduction in funding for the volunteer fire service. This reduction is occurring even though the Director of Public Safety stated that the call volume continues to increase. This increase is NOT limited to the times the paid fire service is on duty.
13. The Public Safety Director violated township ordinances when he formed the paid fire company.
14. The Public Safety Director has not provided a funding program for the paid fire service. This in spite of being asked by the volunteer fire service and the Bensalem Council.
15. The Director of Public Safety continues to interfere with the volunteer fire services attempts to provide additional and increased service to the community without requiring additional tax support.
16. The Director of Public Safety interfered with a grant application for the Union Fire Company on numerous occasions AFTER the grant was awarded, despite being continuously updated on the three year progress of the marine unit project.Worst of all, he called the FBI on the fire company, FOR NO VALID REASON!!
17. A member of the fire marshal's office attempting to interfere with the marine unit project even though this person has little to no marine operations training.
18. The Director of Public Safety supporting an increase in taxes to support CURRENT levels of emergency medical service. When the request for increased funding was announced at a council meeting, the funding was intended to keep current levels of service. These current levels of service required outside emergency medical services to respond into Bensalem to handle the calls not capable of being handled by the current staffing levels within Bensalem. The Director of Public Safety interfered with and attempted to sabotage an additional advanced life support ambulance in Bensalem at NO COST to the tax payer.
19. The sudden laying off of the township fire marshal without any explanation to the fire service.
20. The fire service was told that the fire marshal's office was now going in a different direction. We are still waiting for someone to tell us what direction it is going in.
21. Numerous complaints about the location and capabilities of the $5,000,000.00 training center built between Street Rd, Rt 1 and the PA turnpike. None of these complaints were answered prior to the construction. Now the problems are permanent and not correctable.


Now we have a neighborhood being singled out for further discrimination, because of one idiot cop. Plus, we are in the midst of another budget deficit, and the mayor and council's solution to this is, to refuse to answer questions honestly, and cancel council meetings, to keep further questions from being asked.