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Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Hello, if anyone has young children who would like to do a little arts & crafts while at home and make a card for some first responders out there, here are a few.
1. The Union Fire Company, Station 37 in Bensalem, PA.,
2. Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad
3. St. Mary’s Medical Center (ambulance).
The addresses are:
Union Fire Company - Station 37
2067 State Rd.
Bensalem, PA. 19020
Penndel-Middletown Emergency Squad
616 E. Lincoln Hwy.
Langhorne, PA. 19047
St. Mary’s Medical Center (ambulance)
1201 Langhorne-Newtown Rd.
Langhorne, PA 19047

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Greetings Director:
 Just thought you would like to know that the email listed in the article, is NOT a valid email! I attempted to send information on a scam site, that is supposedly offering paper products at a VERY expensive amount, but was told that no such email exists. The site is called Knifelove, and their Facebook page is below


Saturday, March 21, 2020


Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone in this town, about a VERY disturbing thing my husband saw yesterday. While waiting at the Dunkin Donuts on Street and Hulmeville Road, he witnessed a case of danger and idiocy in the highest order that you need you need to know about. As I was getting my coffee, my husband saw two men arguing, one in a grey Honda 4 door sedan, on Hulmeville Rd, and the other in the parking lot.The one on Hulmeville Rd. turned into the DD'd parking lot, to go after the 2nd person, and as he went through the parking lot proceeded to point a GUN at everyone in the drive thru!! He didn't get a goof look at his face, or the license plate, but he was white, had a dark grey/black cap on backwards, and was driving a grey Honda 4 door sedan. If anyone see this guy/car, CALL 911!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


This is our time to pick who WE want to represent US.

Go to Republican and Pennsylvania, click on Brian Fitzpatrick and see how he voted.  That is his report card.  He has an F - 22%.  Does that make you happy? If you don’t like how he voted, he’s not your man — Andy is.  You can go to and listen to the interviews to see how Andy feels about issues.

This is how we have to hold our representatives accountable.  They are supposed to represent US, not themselves.

It’s our time to choose.  Will it be Brian or Andy?


Here is why.

Food for thought...

Brian Fitzpatrick won the last general election against socialist Democrat  Scott Wallace by only 8,308 votes. He barely beat an unpopular and an out of towner socialist.  In the primary election Dean Malik received 15,461 votes. So Brian Fitzpatrick, Pat Poprik and the Bucks County Republican Committee (BCRC) need at least 8000 conservative voters in Pa 01 to reelect lying Brian fitzpatrick in the next general election so what does Brian, pat and the BCRC do to help ensure that Brian wins and we retain the Republican  seat in Pa 01?  Well they go after the base, President Trump and our conservative pro Trump candidate Andy Meehan and publicly  try to defame, denigrate and destroy him and the pro trump conservative base of out precinct.  Pretty smart huh?  What a great plan to unite the party and keep the PA-01 seat Republican right?  Well no.  In face what Brian, pat and the BCRC did was ensure that if Brian does win the nomination in April that he will lose in the general in November  because we are sick and tired of holding our noses and voting for anti Trump so called republicans like Brian Fitzpatrick, Mitt Romney and john McCain.  Since Brian, Pat and the BCRC threw us into the trash thousands of needed Republican votes to keep the seat red will not be cast. If God forbid Andy loses in April you can blame yet another Republican loss on Pat Poprick, the BCRC and liberal Brian Fitzpatrick.  Let's keep PA-01 red and pro trump and vote for the only pro Trump Republican candidate running for congress in PA-01,  Andrew Meehan.  Andy Meehan is our only hope to keep 
PA-01 red.  Please join us to help elect Andy Meehan for Congress . 

Thank you.

Monday, March 9, 2020


I recently read with great disappointment, the response from Brian Fitzpatrick, to Andy Meehan's desire to debate with him at the Bucks County Community College campus in Bristol, and had to respond. You see, Brian knows he’s in trouble in the polls. So when in trouble, take out the left’s playbook and make false accusations.

Apparently, Brian conveniently forgets that he willingly debated not only Dean Malik, but that after defeating Dean in the primary, Dean chose to be a gentleman and support him!! Despite all this, Brian has chosen, to take the low road of the left, and make false accusations against Andy, and refuse to debate him. What false accusation you ask? That he supposedly made hateful comments, which are absolutely untrue. Another is that Andy allegedly hangs out with and supports people that are hateful and divisive, which is 100% untrue!

Then again, what do you expect from a man, who has on many occasions unjustly criticized our president, been soft on strengthening our borders, sends his staff people to bully Andy’s volunteers, and yes, voted IN FAVOR OF the so-called Equality Act, which as the Daily Signal stated, “Would penalize Americans who don’t affirm new sexual norms or gender ideology.” (You know, Christians like Jack Phillips, Baronelle Stutzman, the Kleins, and many more!) 
It’s time that we send this RINO back to CA, and let him know that we will not stand for this!

Vote Andy Meehan!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


You're really beginning to concern me here K.C. From where I stand this does not look good for you, especially if you want to prove to me and others, that you're not in the back pocket of men like Joey D! Having this man endorse your campaign is not good from where I and others are concerned, and if I were you, I'd be careful.