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Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Here is why.

Food for thought...

Brian Fitzpatrick won the last general election against socialist Democrat  Scott Wallace by only 8,308 votes. He barely beat an unpopular and an out of towner socialist.  In the primary election Dean Malik received 15,461 votes. So Brian Fitzpatrick, Pat Poprik and the Bucks County Republican Committee (BCRC) need at least 8000 conservative voters in Pa 01 to reelect lying Brian fitzpatrick in the next general election so what does Brian, pat and the BCRC do to help ensure that Brian wins and we retain the Republican  seat in Pa 01?  Well they go after the base, President Trump and our conservative pro Trump candidate Andy Meehan and publicly  try to defame, denigrate and destroy him and the pro trump conservative base of out precinct.  Pretty smart huh?  What a great plan to unite the party and keep the PA-01 seat Republican right?  Well no.  In face what Brian, pat and the BCRC did was ensure that if Brian does win the nomination in April that he will lose in the general in November  because we are sick and tired of holding our noses and voting for anti Trump so called republicans like Brian Fitzpatrick, Mitt Romney and john McCain.  Since Brian, Pat and the BCRC threw us into the trash thousands of needed Republican votes to keep the seat red will not be cast. If God forbid Andy loses in April you can blame yet another Republican loss on Pat Poprick, the BCRC and liberal Brian Fitzpatrick.  Let's keep PA-01 red and pro trump and vote for the only pro Trump Republican candidate running for congress in PA-01,  Andrew Meehan.  Andy Meehan is our only hope to keep 
PA-01 red.  Please join us to help elect Andy Meehan for Congress . 

Thank you.

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