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Tuesday, April 30, 2024



Hey guys. I had to something I think is important today, and that is concerning this upcoming congressional race involving Brian and Ashley. I'm very deeply disappointed that this disgusting group Defending America PAC defamed Mark so badly, and I pray that he files a lawsuit against them. I am very much agreeing with Andy in his most recent e-mail, as to how the BCRC is absolutely corrupt, because it has corrupt, uncaring, unpatriotic individuals running it, who have the nerve to call right for bucks a hate group, and I pray that somehow, or another, this empire that pat has falls completely apart. I firmly believe that it is no longer the Republican Party, but a party of RINOS, who are really Democrats in disguise.

I have an idea, guys when it comes to this congressional race this November and I hope that you do this along with me. I say that all of us who are true Republicans, write in Mark Houck’s Ballot this year, to send a message to this corrupt Republican Party. I think this would be a very awesome way to send a message to this corrupt party, and to let them know that we are not going to vote for a corrupt California RINO like Brian. We need to let people know about his voting record to every true republican out there and take a stand on this.

If there are any BCRC minions, who have anything to say on this, want to give their side of this, and want to debate me on this, you're more than welcome to here. Just make sure you have actual facts, and not innuendo, name calling, or emotion filled statements.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024



I just wanted to give everybody here in Congressional District zero1 a huge heads up, that defending America PAC is at it again, and they're really stooping low! This is the latest piece of slime lies that I was sent by text and had to share with all of you.

In short, what they're trying to say is that true Patriot PA is some type of Democrat Shill organization, which is absolutely not true, so I want to make sure that people out in Bucks County, especially here in congressional district 01 know that this is a pack of lies come and to not fall for it.