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Friday, January 31, 2020


First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS for gaining 100% control of the Bucks County row offices. The change was long overdue. Now I have some advice for you, in particular, Diane Marsegelia. Just because someone is of a DIFFERENT political party than you, does NOT give you the right, to try to have them fired from their job! If they are doing their job effectively, then leave them alone!!
in short....

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


(AN FYI AND DISCLAIMER: If you or a loved one is feeling distressed, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The crisis center provides free and confidential emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to civilians and veterans. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Or text to 741-741CLICK HERE for the warning signs and risk factors of suicide. Call 1-800-273-TALK for free and confidential emotional support.)

Well what do you know! Good old Lobo is at it again being his usual media-ho self, (yes! That is just what he is!), And this time it's at the expense of the hurting person. This article above, details the account of a very troubled young woman, and how her friend helped her. That's something I completely applaud and more than extol. However, to have it publicized the way it's being publicized, including Sheriff Lobo insisting on putting his two cents in this, absolutely sickens me. Now before anyone starts in, claiming that I don't care about people who struggle with mental health issues, including the issue of suicide, let me make something very perfectly clear. This is an issue that is very near and dear to my heart, for personal reasons, and I will not allow anyone, stress ANYONE to attempt to use situations like this, to gain notoriety, or attention of any kind. I am also including information below in this post so that people who are struggling with an issue like this, or know of someone struggling with an issue like this, can get the help that they need.
Just  to make something very clear, I very much applaud this young girl for coming to the aid of her friend, and I think she did a very brave thing in doing so. Suicide is a very serious issue today, and the statistics on it are staggering. I especially applaud this young woman, for not covering her eyes, or burying her head in the sand on this, and making sure that her friend got the help that she needed. If there were more caring people like her, this issue would probably be eradicated. My problem in this, is how our Sheriff Lobo, AKA Fred Harran, decided to insert himself into this. He decides that he's going to use this as an opportunity to bring attention to himself, by bringing in the local press, to make some grandiose statement, in order to make himself look good. Well Lobo, I've got news for you It's not going to work with me! Both myself and the people of this town, in particular the people that are in this town who know the real you, know your true motives in this, and they are not altruistic. You do these things, to gain attention for yourself, and you care nothing for the people that are the ones affected in these areas. All you care about is how to make yourself look good comma and insert yourself into a situation, to basically gain attention comma and that is not going to wash with us!