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Friday, March 22, 2024


Just when you think RINO Brian Fitzpatrick can't get any lower, he does something like this. This was sent to me through Mark Houck's campaign, and you all need to see this.

I know personally many people who have been affected by the adult film industry, in particular there was one brave woman who came to know Christ as her savior, who was once an adult film star, and stood against this and there are many others who stand against this too, so I empathize with what this man went through. However, God has given him victory over this area, and he's helping others to be able to overcome this.

I also know that Brian has a few skeletons in his closet, in particular his voting for the so-called Equality Act. You know what I'm talking about Brian, I confronted you about this over the phone, on a radio show and you denied it. You voted for a bill, that if it would have passed, would have criminalized Christianity in more ways than one, but praise God it didn't pass in the Senate. You voted for a bill to give extra special rights to the LGBTQ Mafia, that would have made it a crime for Christians like me to live out our faith in our daily lives, and that something I praise God failed. You have a lot of other questionable records while you've been in office, and I know that there are other people that know about these questionable things that you've done too. So, if I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut!

For Brian, and the slimy organization to say such disgusting things, about Mark, sickens me, and much of the stuff that they are saying is absolute slander! We need to be calling Brian and this organization out for their lies, and their personal slimy attacks, and let them know we're not putting up with this.