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Monday, April 23, 2012

Some Legitimate Questions for Bensalem Township

Remember how the budget of 2011, had a $6.5 million dollar deficit? Why did the mayor and council chose to “balance” it, by dipping into the town’s trust fund, and “Laying off” 6 people? Why did the township council refuse to answer anything about the next year’s budget until AFTER the election?? Why spend $5 million dollars OF YOUR TAX MONEY, on a Fire Training Center that FAILS to meet the needs of the firefighters, in that it was IMPROPERLY built (NO rest rooms, classrooms, heat resistant tiles on the floors, etc.), and cannot burn class A Fires, when the newly built one in Croydon (Paid for by the state) meets every one of the firefighter’s training needs? Most of all, ask about the false rumor that the new Lower Bucks Fire School would cost money, when the facility is free to the fire service in Bucks County! How do they justify creating a paid fire department in direct violation of township municipal code #6(By the way, if told see #7, there is NO #7!) Ask why it’s so necessary to take money away from the volunteer firefighters to maintain this new paid fire department? How the township is going to pay for this new full time Fire department once the grant runs out? Ask why the paid fire company is in violation of what was written in their SAFER grant application, (They are not a combination fire department as written in the grant application.), or why he LIED on the SAFER Grant, thus filling it out fraudulently. Ask Harran and his puppet fire chief, why they spent $80 grand on a fire services vehicle, when they should have used that money on the upkeep of their engine. Ask why a high ranking fire official of Cornwells Fire Co, and a volunteer from Newport Fire Company, both of whom are paid fire fighters for Bensalem Township, committed criminal acts, and NOTHING is being done about it?
Why was Union Fire Co. really shut down? Why is it that that the “Oversight Committee” only met with Union Fire Co. ONCE and found that the “18 Safety Issues” were unfounded? Ask why once the “18 safety issues” were proven false, that Harran REFUSES to admit this, and clear Union Fire Company’s good name? Most of all, what if they did this to YOUR Fire Company??
Finally, why is it that when a citizen of this town, makes a simple request for the township’s emergency management plan, (Just for the basics, mind you. ) that she is denied this information?

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