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Friday, September 30, 2016


GREETINGS GANG!! Anyone happen to see the FRONT PAGE of the Bucks County Courier Times yesterday?? I sure did, and so did A WHOLE LOT of others!! Check out the interesting piece of information I received on my door step, and see the truth for yourself.

We got together this morning for breakfast and to discuss the Mayor's "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!" news article.
The first thing he does is create fear! "I'm going to have to layoff cops and raise taxes". How about thinking about the following:

1. If you do have to lay off cops, take the 14 or more officers and detectives assigned to other agencies and off the road assignments and put THEM back in the township and on the road.
2. Eliminate the paid fire company and hire members of the six volunteers as part of the road crew and public works. Allow these employees to leave their jobs, utilize the fire apparatus they already have and respond to emergencies. It would be the same as what the current paid department does now! They have members scattered all over the township who respond with two on the engine, two on the utility and individual members in fire inspector vehicles.

The Mayor should have contacted the volunteer fire companies when the township first received its $11,000,000.00 plus from the casino and asked them how they plan for the future. The fire companies put money away for purchases. The township spent ALL the casino money every year and DRAINED the reserve fund of $30,000,000.00! (It’s now down to $42 million) Instead, he took money away from the volunteer fire companies!
This is a prime example of piss poor money management. Now he scares the public again with threats of layoffs. Why do we have so many political hires in the License and Inspection office when the inspections have been handed off to an outside company? Why did they hire the Public Works Director's wife as the Assistant License and Inspection Director when the work load has been drastically reduced?!
While the rest of the township was tightening their belts to deal with money management, the Mayor and the Council, unbuckled their belts, bellied up to the table and gorged themselves! Now he wants to create even more panic!
We have stopped asking what the Mayor and Council can do next to embarrass our township. They have taken that as a challenge and strived to create more of a financial mess.
If it wasn't so sad, our township government would be a hit comedy!

SHAME ON YOU YOUR MAJESTY!!! If you had ANY type of a conscience as well as common sense, you would have managed this $11 million, as well as the ENTIRE finances of the township a whole lot better!! Guess the casino owner had enough of you strong arming them, and got the legal system to fix your wagon. Maybe now, you’ll quit this treating the township like a business bit, and start managing the funds of this town properly. If not, I have a BAD feeling that this town WILL go bankrupt!!!

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