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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Episode Twelve of "Everybody Hates Freddie": The Bensalem Dictator is Caught in his Lies!!

A rather large group of VERY concerned firefighters gave this to me, just this AM, with my morning coffee. It had some rather interesting things in it, that I couldn't resist sharing with all my readers.

They are at it again! The Director of Public Safety and the Mayor told the Volunteer Fire Service to come to the Township Council and request a tax increase!

To make this clear for everyone. The volunteer fire service has (with the exception of one company) properly managed their tax funding. They took into consideration the state of the economy and budgeted themselves accordingly.

The one volunteer fire company mentioned above takes its fiscal direction from the Township and repeatedly spends itself into a hole. In fact, when they damaged one of their fire trucks on an out of town call, the Township quietly picked up the repair bill. Imagine if one of the other five volunteer fire companies tried a stunt like that!

Now, because the Township falsified information on the SAFER grant, which STILL has not been released to the fire service or the public they cannot fund the fully paid, part time fire department they created in violation of Township Ordinance 6. They want the volunteer fire service to ask for a tax increase! They made the mess and once again want the volunteer fire service to clean it up. Was the Director of Public Safety or the Fire Marshal's Office held responsible for this mess? No! Now, they want the volunteer fire service to go before the council and asked for a tax increase! God forbid they admit their mistake and asked for the tax increase themselves!

How about someone in the Township Government actually start doing their job. Maybe the Director of Public Safety is too busy driving his family around in his brand new black with tinted windows Ford Expedition! Of course, no one bothers to look into whether he actually needs a large vehicle like that. How about looking inside to see what he actually carries in that thing to justify it?

The Volunteer Fire Service has set the standard in Bensalem Township for fiscal responsibility.

Did anyone else notice that the rescue squad just received $89,000.00 from Parx Casino to pay for a third ambulance (power shift)? What happened to the third ambulance we were continuing to pay for with the tax increase the township requested? Apparently, the rescue squad is using the same fiscal responsibility formula that the Director of Public Safety and the one fire company that receives special assistance from the Township and Parx Casino (yea, we found out about the electronic sign AND the insurance money you received to replace it) uses!

The five volunteer fire companies that do not have a majority of their leadership employed by the township are aware of your harassing and threatening tactics Director. You have done one thing for the volunteer fire service in Bensalem, you have united them about their feelings regarding your leadership! All you had to do was be at a recent fire house banquet and listen to the conversations.

We as volunteer firefighters in Bensalem were wondering when you are going to release the "Fire Service Assessment for Bensalem Township" that was paid for with tax dollars to the public? Talk about creative writing! It makes your SAFER Grant application look credible!

More information coming to a public Council Meeting soon! We will not be speaking to the Solicitor, we will be speaking to the Council members! IF we were you, we would do some research about the conduct of the Director of Public Safety and the Fire Marshal's office.

If I were the one reading this, I'd send this to as many is my neighbors as possible!! I would also go to the next council meeting, and DEMAND ANSWERS, and an IMPARTIAL OUTSIDE INVESTIGATION of Fred Harran!!

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