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Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Four Police Dogs!

This was something I saw on Cop Humor, and had to share. Remind you of anyone else we know??

At a local federal property canine training assembly, four different canine law enforcement handlers were each bragging about how smart their respective dogs were. The first handler was an Army Military Police soldier, the second handler was a Deputy Sheriff, the third handler was a local Police Officer and the fourth handler was an FBI Agent.

To show off, the MP called his canine, 'Rambo, do your stuff.' Rambo pranced around in a field and soon returned with a handkerchief he had found in a pile of brush. Everyone agreed that was pretty smart.

But the Deputy Sheriff said his canine could do better. He called his canine and said, 'Buford, do your stuff.' Buford went out into the nearby field and promptly dug up an old bone. Everyone agreed that was good.

But the local Police Officer said his canine could do better. He called his canine and said 'Starsky, do your stuff.' Starsky ran out in the field and dug around for several minutes and came back with a human skull.

Everyone agreed that was pretty darn good. They also realized that they were on federal property and now they had an apparent crime scene burial site. The three canine handlers turned to the FBI Agent and said, 'This is your crime scene, what can your canine do?'

The FBI Agent called his canine and said, 'J. your stuff.' J Edgar jumped to his feet........... ran around in circles, screwed the other three canines, then defecated on each of them, called a press conference and took sole credit for solving a long-lost missing person case!

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