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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Westboro Baptist Church vs. WWE

Just when everyone thought things were back to normal (Whatever normal is. LOL), and at least safe enough to play in the sandbox of life again, Westboro Baptist Church has gone and stirred up the proverbial pot, and brought shame to the name of Christ in the process. These false prophets have for decades been perverting the gospel, by falsely claiming there is no hope for ANY homosexual, that they are doomed to Hell, even if they want to be free of the lifestyle! You see, they pick and choose the Scripture they want to support their Un-Christ-like, hate filled false doctrine, of hate the sin AND the sinner, so they go to every public event and tragedy possible with their SINFUL, obnoxious, Un-Christ-like signs, and act like “media whores” to get the attention they so badly crave. The problem with what WBC believes is that, they fail to follow the greatest commandment of all, as described in Mark 10:29-31. They also fail to remember Romans 1:16 that Salvation is for ALL who believe.

Well, now they’ve really stepped into the glitz and glamor of it all now, by going after the WWE. How, you ask?? Well, it’s being done through a recent revelation from a wrestler via TMZ during the week of one of WWE biggest events: SummerSlam. On Wednesday, a wrestler named Darren Young was approached at LAX, by a reporter from TMZ, and asked if he (Young) thought, a gay man could succeed as a wrestle in the WWE. This is the response from Young: "Absolutely. Look at me. I'm a WWE superstar and to be honest with you, I'll tell you right now, I'm gay. And I'm happy. I'm very happy." Well, the individuals at WBC plan on protesting at Wrestlemania XXX, which is in reality next year, but apparently they don’t know this. All they know is that there is another opportunity to be attention seeking media whores, who spew out a false gospel, which makes them (Yes, you guessed it!), FALSE PROPHETS!!
Now don’t get me wrong, I am against the homosexual lifestyle, and believe it to be a sin. However, I think Darren Young is an incredible wrestler, with a great deal of talent, who is greatly loved by God, and cares for him and so do I. You see, I am a Bible Believing Born Again Christian, who believes in loving the sinner, while hating the sin. This means, that while I don’t approve of Darren’s lifestyle,
I LOVE HIM AS A HUMAN BEING, and I believe him to be a very talented wrestler, who has a great future in the WWE. As a matter of fact, my motto is the following: “God loves gays and lesbians, AND SO DO I!” You may wonder what makes me so different from the inbred idiots at WBC, and what does, is that WBC believes that all homosexuals, are doomed to hell, and that they do not deserve to be witnessed to, or even led to Christ, because they are not worthy of salvation. In short, WBC’s practice is to do the equivalent of yell “fire!” in a crowded building/room, and block the ONLY means of escape. I however, follow what Christ says about “loving the sinner, yet hating the sin”. He personified this throughout His ministry, especially in the case of the woman taken in adultery John 8, and I try to do the same.
I have a feeling that this time, WBC has really stepped in it, and I highly encourage
EVERY WWE fan to be on guard at every Pay Per View event, between now and Wrestlemania XXX. Most of all, if you see any of these people with their signs, IGNORE THEM!! Their main goal is to get as much attention as possible, and they also want to see if they can extort money and anything else possible from the WWE, and I encourage Vince McMahon, to also IGNORE THEM. Use whatever LEGAL means you have at your disposal, to keep them from the events and the fans. To Darren Young, I say this: God loves you VERY much, and so do I!

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