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Thursday, September 10, 2015


I’m sure all of you are wondering by now, what I think about Kim Davis and her brazen defiance of SCOTUS’s ruling concerning same sex marriage. I would’ve posted this earlier, but things have come up in my personal life, that I intentionally do NOT share on here, and have not had the chance to really post something substantial until now. In light of what has been taking place within our country, and the moral decay within it, I felt it necessary to share.
Before anyone starts, let me make something absolutely clear. God LOVES gays, lesbians, and ‘transgendered’ people, and so do I! My issue is NOT with the person, but with what I strongly believe to be their sinful lifestyle, and just because I believe this, in NO WAY makes me ‘bigoted’, hateful, and ‘intolerant’. Now that this is out of the way, I also wish to make another thing clear; while I do NOT approve of the way Kim Davis took her stand, I STILL applaud her for taking that stand. She believes (As I do.), that what SCOTUS did was and is illegal, and invalid, so therefore she disobeyed no real law. What I do NOT approve of, is the un-Christ-like attitude, in which she made her stand. If she would’ve have been Christ-like and respectful as Daniel and his three friends were (See Daniel Chapter 1), as well as followed the early apostles actions in the book of Acts, and Paul’s words in Romans 13, then MAYBE she might not have been put in jail. However, given the current climate of genuine hatred, and bigotry towards ANY Christian who expresses their faith, I can clearly see that this is not going to go away, and if left unchecked, being a Christian will become a crime.  
I know that many of you will laugh at that last statement, but it is very true. This is the main goal of EVERY secular progressive group out there, especially the LGBT community. They do NOT want equality, but they want to FORCE their lifestyle (Yes it’s a lifestyle!) on everyone else, under the guise of persecution, and discrimination. While there have been instances of this, IN THE PAST (and somewhat now), by individuals who claim to be Christians, this is something that I especially have NEVER condoned, nor do I now! The issue now, is that when Christians who lovingly take a stand for their faith, and refuse to take part in something that they believe to be a sin, the LGBT bullies (Yes, I call them bullies!), use the law, against them, by twisting it, and FALSELY accusing them of the very thing they are doing to us! Don’t believe me?? Look up the instances of actual violence against Christians in this country by these LGBT bullies. In 2013 alone there were quite a few, in particular two Christians being beaten by LGBT thugs during a gay pride parade, and Mars Hill Church in Seattle, being viciously vandalized, by a criminal group calling themselves ‘NO8/Angry Queers’. There is even an instance of a lesbian couple who purposely vandalized as well as, burned their home down, and then FALSELY claimed that their evangelical Christian neighbors did it! If it wasn’t for the diligence of a dogged insurance investigator, they would’ve gotten away with this!!

In Isaiah chapter 6, Isaiah is faced with the moral decay of his own people, and he feels convicted over his own sins.  Upon confessing them and getting his heart right with God, he feels God’s calling in life, and when God asks “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?, Isaiah obediently responds, “Here am I! Send me.” I believe that it is time for Christians everywhere to take a stand for godliness, and to do so, in a Christ-like and loving manner, that truly shows Christ to the world. We need to not be afraid to say that we will not bow down, compromise, or give in to the corruption around us. Most of all, we need to continue to reach out to the lost with the love of Jesus, and show that love in EVERY aspect of our lives. Only then will we be truly effective for Him.

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