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Sunday, June 7, 2020


Excuse me Your Majesty, but I have a few concerns with this statement that you and Sheriff Lobo made. You see, there was something missing in this statement that you made, and that was a detailed, thorough, and explicit condemnation of what was done to George Floyd! Nowhere in this, and nowhere to what I have seen or heard, since this act of evil happened, have you, or anyone, especially within the law enforcement of this Township, have given any detailed condemnation of what happened to this man, but I've only heard crickets. (Now before anyone on here starts in with the false accusations of I hate police etc etc, I am about as Pro HONORABLE police and first responder as they come, and pray for them daily. I have also heard, read, and seen many instances of corrupt, questionable behavior by the Bensalem Police, so I have a right to express this.)

I perfectly understand the anger over this man's murder, and the right to protest, but on the same token,
DO NOT approve of the rioting and looting. My husband and I watched in absolute horror, as his old neighborhood where he was born and raised in, was trashed mercilessly, and as a result a very vital means of food for people there was almost completely destroyed, so we are outraged by this idiocy. However, to hear nothing, and I mean nothing, from the mayor, the public safety director, or any of the council members, (With 2 exceptions.) condemning this act of evil, is absolutely appalling, and it will be remembered come election time.

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