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Saturday, August 8, 2020



How is everyone doing in the aftermath of Isaias? I truly pray that you got through it unscathed, and that your electricity stayed on. I've been reading a lot of personal experiences of people in this town, that lost their power, (Some still have no power.), and what I read wasn't pretty.
I read and experienced myself, accounts of people without electricity for days, (In my own case, it was out for 3!), and it broke my heart! Eve
n scarier, is that no where in this, was our leader, His Majesty, putting ANY real plan in place to help those affected by this. There were lots of people in my apartment complex alone, who have medical issues, and this power outage put people in danger. Why weren't any shelters open? What provisions were being made for those of us with medical conditions, that can't leave our apartments and homes?? This was ALMOST another Hurricane Sandy, and as usual, Your Majesty, you blew it!
We want and expect answers, and are waiting for them!!

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