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Saturday, February 12, 2022


Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, and accuses me falsely as they usually do, of hating the police, let me make one thing very clear here. I absolutely 100% support our police officers, in particular honorable police officers, who do their jobs with honor and integrity. This means that they never do anything illegal or criminal while wearing the badge, as well as when they're off the job! It also includes, not only treating those of different races, creeds, and colors, with respect and honor, but also individuals who treat their wives, girlfriends, and children with dignity, honor, and respect. It means that they don't treat the ones they love as punching bags and are completely faithful to them!

That being said, after reading this article, and seeing how drastic this issue is, I had to post this article and share this with all of you. Over the years, I have heard horror stories of certain individuals within the BTPD abusing their loved ones, but getting away with it, because they're a “respected member of law enforcement”, and it absolutely sickens me! I hope and pray that our new Public Safety Director, is making certain that the Bensalem Police Department Is rooting out these despicable individuals, by having them thoroughly vetted not only with a criminal background check, but also through having a psychological exam done on every future, as well as current police officers in the Bensalem Township Police Department. Otherwise, we're going to see serious problems, and it will be too late to do anything about it

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