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Thursday, August 15, 2024


Check out this disturbing thing that I found online. I initially discovered this on X, but here are the websites for these disturbing organizations below.

You're probably wondering why I'm posting this, and what this has to do with anything, and I want to explain. These are two sites, that are attached to one main organization, that claims to be Christian but is anything but. They are supporting and backing up Kamala Harris, and deceiving many Christians into following them, and vote for her.

In reality, this group supports things that go completely against God's word starting with abortion, child mutilation in support of the LGBTQ.... Mafia, and ending the free market, but most of all, they support black supremacist hate. They had key speakers on a zoom call just yesterday, that support hatred of whites, and one of the speakers, happens to be Franklin Graham's niece, who I believe has just completely turned away from God, and we need to pray for her. I'm going to be posting more on this, but I wanted you to check these websites out, to see for yourself just how dangerous, and heretical this group is.

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