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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Demand Fox Be Fair and Balanced!!

Margie Phelps of the W.B.C cult stated many untruths in her interview this morning with Chris Wallace. The retired Generals deserve to refute the lies she told about their grievance! Please keep the pressure on Fox News to give the Generals equal air time after all her dribbling nonsense. Balanced journalism is a responsibility. T 1-888-369-4762; E -; yourcomments@fox;


  1. Attn Tucker
    I was watching Fox and Friends this AM and you referred to muhammed as the prophet of GOD. That is an insult to everyone of Judeo-Christain backround, me included,God and allah are NOT now nor have they ever been the same. I will say no more before I say something I will regret.

  2. While I share your frustration with something like this. Your statement has nothing to do with this post.
