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Monday, November 14, 2011


As we all know, the last 3 township council meetings were cancelled because of lack of business (even though the public comment part is business), and now, all of a sudden the mayor wants to do something with his property and now we have business just one week after the elections. They are so predictable why can't anybody else see this? I'll tell you why. Unfortunately, the sheeple around here in Bensalem, are too accustomed to this, and they have drank so much of the Joey D Kool Aid, that they can no longer tell the truth from a lie. I still maintain, and will be willing to bet ANYONE that come December,they are going to announce ANOTHER deficit, which will be worse than the last one, and will result in a major tax hike!! Don't believe Me???? Ask for a copy of the budget for 2011, and look at the 5 year projection. Just remember, the votes were CLOSE, and "your boys" didn't win by a landslide in ANY way shape, or form. BTW Jim Strange, I remember EVERY word you said about the Democratic poll watchers at my voting poll, and found it DISGUSTING!! People like you are the very reason racism exists, and I will not let you get away with it.

From now on, we need to go to every council meeting, and DEMAND the truth from these weasels!!


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