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Monday, June 1, 2015



Yes it’s back, and more desperate than ever. What you ask?? It’s the Bensalem Township’s thinly veiled attempt at brownie points to get votes. In short, it’s the township’s usual re-election tactic being brought out of the cobwebs and that tactic is none other than (drumroll please……….) THE TD BANK AMPHITHEATER!! You know, the summertime concert and movie event that was once free, but now they charge admission to get in for the concerts. As a matter of fact it’s now $6 for adults, and $35 for a season pass!

Now before the FALSE accusations get thrown at me of wanting to do away with this wonderful form of entertainment, let me make one thing perfectly and absolutely clear. I IN NO WAY WANT THIS DONE AWAY WITH AND NEVER SAID THAT I DID!! Anyone who has had the nerve to say so is a LIAR, and if they continue to do so, I will go after them for slander!! My concern with this is that I firmly believe our taxpayer dollars are being used to fund this, when there are better and more sustainable ways of doing so. I also firmly believe that government should not be entertaining the masses. This reminds me of the days of the Roman Empire, a time in which the government corrupt and sinful as it was, offered free things such as free food and entertainment. In particular, this was done, by the ‘entertainment’ of watching Christians being murdered in grotesque fashion, by lions and other fierce animals/methods. It became better known as the days of ‘breads and circuses’, and it ultimately led to their downfall. Just as the Roman Empire gave things it couldn’t afford to its citizens, our government is doing the same thing. Whether it’s Obama giving away cell phones, letting just anyone go on welfare/food stamps, etc., our local government is trying to buy YOUR vote and it is through the TD BANK AMPHITHEATER.

As I stated before, I do not want to do away with this, but I want to see this continue and flourish. My concern is that with the township in control, it will go the way the Bensalem Country Club will go, and that is right down the tubes! I would rather see this entity be privatized and not have ANY contact/influence with Bensalem Township, or ANYONE associated with it. I would rather have all accounts and funds generated from this be put in control of an entity/person that has NOTHNG to do with the township. This way the funds it generates can be used for the Amphitheater itself, and not go into the township’s coffers.

How does this tie in with Bensalem you ask?? You see right now, the township is in a deficit and has been since 2010, and they have been using the township’s reserve funds to supplement it. Meanwhile, behind all of these things, "His Majesty", and his illustrious puppet council, makes sure to cover this up. How you ask?? Well aside from the fact that "His Majesty" can conveniently "play around" with the books, and put money from one line item to another, "His Majesty" also has a major problem. He spends money like water, and he does it for his pet "breads and circuses" projects (TD Bank Amphitheater, Pride Day, Fireworks, etc.) at the township building area, and then he conveniently terminates positions within the township, while dipping into the township's reserve fund, so we don't see the massive deficits he creates. The problem is that the reserve funds are dwindling at a major rate as a result, and if unchecked it will be broke! At the rate this is occurring, it’ll more than likely wind up being gone by 2018! That's scary, isn't it??

Do they really think that the residents of Bensalem are that stupid?? People do not fall for this!! Open your eyes, and see the truth. It’s a glaring fact that this has been used as a re-election tool by his majesty, and court, for years, and they are doing it again now, which is why I urge all those reading this to not fall for this. When you vote, don’t vote because there is an R or a D next to their name, or because you are being entertained by them. Vote for the person who will genuinely do this town the most good….


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