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Thursday, June 2, 2016


 Morning Bensalem!! Boy have I ever got something interesting for you! While out with my spouse yesterday, this rather interesting bit of information wound up in my possession, while I was in the local WAWA, and I felt it important to share with all of you. Apparently someone with very accurate and detailed information on what Sherriff Lobo, the Bensalem Township Police, and the Bensalem EMS did last year, not only knows that this took place, but feels the same way that many of us do about it, and wants to let it be known. Check out what I was given below and see for yourself just how serious this matter truly is.
A concerned member of our group, who has personal knowledge of "Blood Gate" at our police department, brought up some interesting issues, and felt that the citizens of Bensalem need to know about what occurred last year, so you will know the truth, and be able to see for yourself just what a serious issue this is.
1. Despite what the Director of Public Safety says, it was not legal for the paramedics to draw blood
for the purpose of prosecuting a DUI case.
2. It was not a technicality as he has claimed. 3. The PA law specifically designates what facilities and who is permitted to draw blood for police
departments investigating DUI cases.
4. If it was a technicality as the Director of Public Safety has stated, than why, when the Bensalem
EMS paramedics were drawing blood, did they wear coverings over their uniform shirts to prevent
the suspected drunk drivers from seeing that they were Bensalem paramedics??
  This was not a
'technicality', it was an attempt by the police department AND Bensalem EMS to illegally obtain
blood from the drunk drivers. Otherwise, why would they cover up the identity of the paramedic?
5. Bensalem PD NEVER notified the district attorney that they were obtaining blood samples with the
assistance of unauthorized personnel.
6. Bensalem EMS NEVER notified the department of health that their paramedics were violating their
Paramedic certifications by drawing blood from a person that was not their patient, not in their care
and was not being treated by the paramedic?

I guess we will soon learn with the Department of Health and the District Attorney have to say on this!

Well, there you have it! Bensalem PD, and the EMS Squad not only violated the law in this matter, but they also went against the policies of the Department of Health in allowing paramedics to draw blood from a person that as NOT their patient, NOT in their care, and most certainly NOT being treated for any valid medical issues by a paramedic. This person also very accurately points out that this was done in a deceptive and covert fashion (Wearing lab coats to cover up their true identities.), because Lobo and the BTPD were too lazy to do their jobs, and they’re desperate for $$$.


  1. Wow, I can't believe this happened to you. My husband says you should sue, and I agree. We had a problem like this a few years ago, and the instant we started talking to a lawyer the police backed down and said it was a paperwork mistake. I hope this situation works out for you.

  2. I found this article very interesting. I’m glad you did extensive research and took the time to inform everyone on this issue. Many people don’t know the laws of their town and what procedures the police are actually allowed to perform and not perform. I hope that this issue clears up and doesn’t happen to anyone else in the future.

    Eliseo Weinstein @ JR's Bail Bonds
