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Thursday, December 6, 2012

All I can say in response to this is, Who are you trying to fool, "Your Majesty"?? Just one look at the budget tells me and others that the mayor and SEVERAL others in this town are overspending, and you and the other members of council are going along with it!! As a result, we have a $9.5 million dollar deficit just this year alone, plus the deficits form the previous two years, which puts this town in a very big hole!! You may claim that the budgets were balanced, but we all know "Your Majesty", that this budget was NEVER balanced properly, neither have the last three years budgets, and I have the budgets to prove it! I and others have been asking for UP TO DATE budget statements, and you REFUSE to give them, which shows you have something to hide. NOT GOOD!!
C'mon, we all know, that in reality, the reduction in the homeowners grant by $200, is the equivalent of taxing the residents of this township by that much and more! Once you calculate the HUGE property taxes that the homeowners pay, as well as the outrageous water, trash, and sewer bills, that is how much the average homeowners have to pay in taxes!! In the meantime, you and council purposely have failed to answer the one main question of the residents of this town: "Where is all the money from the casino going???" We want to know SPECIFICALLY where every penny of the money this town gets from the casinos is going, but you have yet to answer us. All we can say on this, that IT'S DISHONEST!!

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