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Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This is from a couple of dear friends who had to share their thoughts in regards to what happened Friday in Newton, CT.
"I am absolutely and completely saddened. Unfathomable. Painful. Dreadful. An expression of evil that has few parallels. It is wrong to minimize the tragedy with the cheap politics of "Gun control." We do not have a gun problem. We have a heart problem. There is no control for outright evil run amuck... It is also wrong to not have a conversation as a society about what makes us civil. About how we treasure and value life, rather than devaluing it. HOWEVER, for now, let us stand with the families who have lost and allow them the time to grieve. Let us stand with Law Enforcement, as they seek to unravel what has happened. The time for punditry, reflection, and common sense evaluation will come ... but that time is not now. May the God of peace grant comfort to those who feel none right now."
Benjamin Goss
This Connecticut tragedy just has the media playing the "broken record" of "where was God?" Absolutely floors me that a culture that for the most part has attempted to ban God from nearly every facet of life, has the audacity to ask "where was God" when that culture's people act ungodly. Seems to me, folks in the media want enough of God to protect them and make them secure, but not enough of Him that they might actually have to honor and obey Him. Our society has basically told God, "GET OUT! We don't want you around our kids, our government (that was based on his laws), or our daily life. Wait...something bad happened; God where were you?!?!"
Frank Queen
Pastor Hagee said it the best with the following:
How can we as a nation stop this madness? What have we done as a nation that has produced six mass killings in the past five years? It's time to admit America has a moral and spiritual sickness that will not cure itself. Our "Hope for Tomorrow" begins with rational decisions today that guarantee a new direction for our nation. We have expelled God from our schools, dismissed Him from our lives and many churches are nothing more than secular pep rallies with a psychobabble substituting for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"How did all of this happen?" you ask? Let me tell you not only how, but when it did. It occurred the very moment, we allowed an individual named Madeline Murray O'Hare, an avowed Atheist, to successfully convince our courts, to prohibit Bible reading and prayer within our public schools, in 1963. We no longer value life on ANY level, and the ACLU, has now gotten involved in removing God from EVERY aspect of our lives, including the Public Square! From the moment we kicked God out of the schoolhouse, courthouse, and even the public square, our society has become a battleground, and the end result, is our children our suffering for it. So, next time a tragedy like Newtown happens, DON'T ask God where He was, and ask
where YOU put God??

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