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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Let me ask something on this. What proof do you have that what is inside the woman is part of her body? How do you explain two separate heart beats, organs etc. within a woman? The simple truth, is what what is inside a woman, is NOT part of her body. It is not a glob of tissues, but a LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEING. Several physicians have stated this fact, and have successfully proven it to be false, yet "pro-choice rs", such as yourself, still cling in vain to this argument.
As for the issue of "Unwanted Pregnancies", that is a flimsy argument, because there are plenty of LOVING parents, who are unable to have children, that would LOVE to have any child and raise that child as their own, if given the chance.
As a woman myself, I am against Abortion, because I know that what is inside me IS a LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEING and to end that child's life would be murder. In short to me it's a person NOT a choice.

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