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Friday, April 5, 2013


           1.       Bring up the SAFER Grant, and ask why Harran REFUSED to give a copy of this to the firefighters. Better yet, ask why he LIED on it!! There IS proof it was filled out fraudulently, and we have it.

2.       Why was the paid fire department founded IN VIOLATION OF township ordinances, and why after sitting on the grant for OVER A YEAR, and why it was so necessary to take money away from the volunteer firefighters to start this new fire department?? Ask how further on, how he (Fred) is going to pay for this new full time Fire dept.?
3.       What was the reasoning behind slandering Union Fire Company for the last TWO years, by not only interfering with their boat grant, but also suspending their operations on TWO occasions, trying to PERMANENTLY shut them down, and harassing and slandering its former chief Dave Jerri, Sr. and his son Dave Jerri Jr. on FALSE charges of Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Fraud?? Above all, why haven't you PUBLICLY apologized for this??
            4.       What was the REAL reason for the school district investigation taking as long as it did, and why did the Public Safety Director would go to the school board on behalf of one of those accused? Was it because this person was "calling in a favor" for supporting this same Public Safety Director's harassment and slander of Union Fire Co.??  
             5.       Why hasn’t former Detective Cannon’s former supervisors been punished for their FAILURE to make sure Detective Cannon was handling her case load properly in the Walter Meyerle Investigation?  You (Haman) severely went after Union fire Co. with FALSE accusations, yet you do NOTHING not only about this, but also the assault of a volunteer firefighter from Newport Fire Co. by another firefighter (who is also a paid fire fighter!), as well as the sexual harassment of a female firefighter by a high ranking official with Cornwells Fire Co.?
6.       Why have you "your majesty" refused to give myself and other concerned citizens of this town honest answers concerning the township's budget, by offering any type of status updates (i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc.) to us? In particular, why do keep using the reserve fund to cover your obvious overspending??

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