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Wednesday, November 25, 2015


MORNING RHNI2B GANG!! This morning has been both interesting and fruitful, especially with this little goodie. This AM, hubby walked in the door, having found this on our doorstep, and seeing it had my name on it, handed it to me. As we read this together, our mouths were agape with shock! Most of all we were disgusted by this, and I felt it very important to share with all of you.

Members of our group told us that the rescue squad and the police department were doing something illegal several months ago. We didn't believe it. Now we know it is true. Bensalem Rescue Squad entered into an agreement with the Bensalem Police Department to draw blood for DUI arrests. The members of the rescue squad had to wear coats over their patches to cover their identity claiming to be lab technicians!
Paramedics and emergency medical technicians are not permitted to draw blood for criminal investigations! Not only did they draw blood, they added a charge for the service for the restitution portion of the arrest. In other words, they had the District Attorney's office collecting fees for an illegal service! Worse yet, they lied to the District Attorney's office saying they were authorized to draw blood for criminal investigations!
Once the state found out about this, they ordered Bensalem Rescue Squad to immediately cease the practice!
Considering that the evidence was illegally obtained, how many criminal cases must be reviewed and charged dropped? What about those convicted with the illegal evidence? Will their guilty verdicts be overturned? I wonder if any defense attorneys here in Bucks county, especially any in Bensalem, are aware of this act? Does the rescue squad have to return the fees they collected for the illegal blood draws?
Will anyone from the police department or rescue squad be prosecuted? Or will this be covered up like most of the illegal activity in Bensalem?

ABSOLUTELY DESPICABLE!! Members of Bensalem’s Rescue Squad, the highly esteemed members of our first responders performing something that they have neither the authority nor the qualifications for!! Several questions spring to my mind, including , Where did this idea originate from?? Who came up with this?? Were ANY of these either doctored/altered to favor the BTPD?? Most of all, as these concerned individuals who sent this to me state, do ANY of the attorneys in this area now about this?? I would highly suggest that this piece of information gets out to EVERY defense attorney in this county, so that their clients can get the true justice they deserve!!



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