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Friday, December 4, 2015


It is time to grow a spine and speak out against the irresponsible and incompetent actions of our mayor, and those who are allowing this 'earned income tax' tax on the residents of this town. People this scheme (Yes scheme!) is NOT the solution to the budget issues facing this town, but proper and responsible handling of this township’s budget and resources is. Ask the mayor and council specifically where the over $11 million from PARX has been... going, and why they went back on their word to give this to the school, and to provide the much needed property tax relief they promised. DON’T take ANY double talk, rudeness, or stall tactics from the mayor or his puppet council, and especially don’t allow Joe Pizzo, to intimidate you. Let me explain this in a way that you will understand. Let’s say for example that you make $24,000/yr. That would be $2,000 a month correct? Well, 1% of $2,000/mo. is $20. Multiply that by 12 and it’s $240/yr. Picture this for whatever ANY wage earner makes in a given year, no matter if they own a home or not, and this is a disaster! It’s bad enough that those that work and/or live in Philly are taxed for working there, but to double that with this scheme is despicable!
I am encouraging and URGING all the concerned residents of this town, to go to this upcoming council meeting on Monday December 7th, and demand that the members of council vote AGAINST this tax scheme. Demand that they reject this new tax, and balance the township’s budge in a proper, honorable, and LEGAL fashion. Also, ask them why it’s so ‘necessary’ to have a police force that is too large for this town, and yet they don’t respond adequately to crime when called, if at all. Most of all, ask them why the upper echelon of our police department are being allowed to get away with illegal activity, and not be held accountable for their criminal actions.

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