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Tuesday, July 26, 2016


GREETINGS BENSALEMITES!! While my hubby and I were out at the local WAWA during our day today, someone dropped something in my basket that I had to share.
Some very concerned first responders have issues with the head of Bensalem Rescue Squad, and want all of Bensalem to know just what type of person he truly is. After reading this, all I can say, is boy have I ever got some interesting info for you!

We thought we would send you the first of many installments in the disgraceful practices of Mr. Topley.
As we were mourning our fallen brother from our mutual aid company in Croydon, we were shocked, embarrassed, but not surprised by the heartless, gutless statement posted by Mr. Topley regarding the sudden and tragic loss of a brother firefighter station 11.

Here are some other interesting things about Tom Topley that you may not know about, but need to know

1. Placed an ambulance at Station 16 to stop an ambulance being created that would provide additional services to our community at no cost to the taxpayers. Once he accomplished his task, he removed the ambulance from Station 16 and stiffed them for a year’s rent which he promised. This conduct resulted in a REDUCTION of service to the community all the while he was pushing for more money from the township.
2. As a member of the executive board of Station 65 he became aware of the theft of over $1,500.00 from the sale of flowers at the fire station during the Easter holiday. Did he turn the thief in and have him prosecuted? Of course not, he and several others covered it up and to this day the thief is a member of that fire company. We are sure glad that happened at Station 65, otherwise Fred Harran would have launched a criminal investigation against the thief.
3. He has been acting like such a tyrant at Bensalem EMS that they have gone through several supervisors in the last few years because they refused to participate in his harassment of employees. It has gotten so bad there, that the board of trustees which has protected him on numerous occasions in the past, have taken the hiring and firing of employees away from him.

Is it any wonder that this man and Sherriff Lobo get along so well?? It’s bad enough that this man allows and caters to Sherriff Lobo in his unethical behavior, but this is ridiculous!! I also find it interesting that even his own people can’t stand him, and are acting on it. I always knew that Tom “Achan” Topley was a rotten little toady for Sherriff Lobo, but to learn this about him makes me detest the man even more! All I can say is that, I can’t wait to hear more on this!!


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