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Friday, July 8, 2016


Sorry, but I had to respond! After I woke up this morning, had my quiet time with Jesus, and then turned on the news, I was horrified and stunned to see that 5 innocent HONORABLE lives were murdered because of someone’s hatred for not just any police officer, but WHITE police officers! Apparently, some disturbed, hateful and racist individual, someone who hates police officers and more so, along with others, shot at Dallas Police officers in a sniper attack, just to make some warped point! This person specifically favored the so called ‪#‎blacklivesmatter‬ movement, and seems to think that ALL cops are evil, especially white cops, and felt the need to murder as many as possible. Let me ask something. Since when is rendering evil for perceived evil, ever justified?? How about waiting and allowing the authorities to genuinely and carefully investigate these incidences before doing something you’ll regret?? Look what happened with Ferguson, and Baltimore?? What did it get anyone?? NOTHING!!
People, we need to remember that we live in a fallen SINFUL world, and that sin knows no barrier, but will attack and deceive anyone. What happened in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, and in Dallas last night is because of the FACT that we live in a fallen sinful world, and the ONLY person who can remedy this, and that is Jesus!! I support police officers and the job that they do, but when ANY person who is supposed to uphold the law perverts it and does what these police officers allegedly did, then there is a major problem! No one, I mean NO ONE is above the law, and if and when the truth is found out about these men, then justice needs to be served. Right now, we not only need to lift up what happened in Baton Rouge, Saint Paul and Dallas in prayer, but we need to pray DAILY for every first responder out there who is risking their lives to protect us, and that they do their jobs in an honorable and honest fashion.

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