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Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Here's the REAL truth on His Majesty's so-called accomplishments.
Lie number one.  Top 50 places to live in America. He left out "according to Bensalem Money Magazine".  In other words, HE MADE IT UP.  According to the Mayor this was in 2014. What happened Mr. Mayor, even the Bensalem Money Magazine doesn't rank us anymore? Or is it because people actually read the fine print on your claim and discovered the scam?

Lie number two.  At the time you were pushing for the casino you said it would not affect crime in our township.  Either crime has gone up from the casino or you lied when you said it would not go up.  We did notice that incident report numbers have not varied more than 1-2 thousand in the last 40 years, until you told the Director of Public Safety to increase the numbers.  Exactly what have these 25 additional officers done to reduce crime in our community? Cost versus gain Mr. Mayor.

Lie number three: Earned National Accreditation for our police department.  During your tenure as Mayor we actually LOST National Accreditation.  When confronted when we lost it, your response was it really didn't matter, it doesn't affect anything! If that is true, why did we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get it back?

Lie number four: It is true you built a fire and emergency training facility.  You spent 5.3 million dollars to build it EVEN after you were told the County would be building a free training center that the firefighters can actually conduct live fire training exercises with State certified instructors at no cost to the fire departments!  You did however get our community recognized as the owners of a fire training center that firefighters cannot train with live fire!  This training center is known throughout the State as the "great white elephant at the end of the turnpike"

Lie number five: going after the drug companies!  You and yet another lawyer for the township could not even identify which court the case would be filed in.  If you even bothered to investigate you would have discovered that previous attempts to sue these companies have been thrown out of court.  This was nothing more than a political stunt.  You were called out on the stunt and refused to address.

Lie number six: Constructed Imagination Land. You failed to note that you promised fair access to township projects if they constructed the park.  Then refused to pass PLS that would ensure professionally done project with certified the crafts people with guaranteed no overages and finished on time.  You then had the emergency services training center built by a no- bid contract award friend of yours.  This structure is even now showing signs of fatigue.

Lie number seven: Firefighters field built by a once again no experienced, no bid friend of yours at a significant cost to the taxpayers.

Lie number eight: Natural gas and electric vehicles.  Apparently these are good enough for some people> However, you and your department heads require Ford Expeditions which nullifies the few natural gas and electric vehicles.  Did we mention that your department heads can drive them anywhere including the Jersey shore at taxpayer expense?

Lie number nine: No tax increase.  Taking an additional $100.00 (except during your election years) from the homeowner grant program IS a tax increase!  Let’s not forget the "sudden and surprising" need to fill a $9,000,000.00 budget deficit with an earned income tax.  When are you going to tell people about the next "sudden and surprising" need to increase the E.I.T. due to yet another budget gap?  Wait, we bet it is after November 7th!

Lie number ten: 23 years without a tax increase. I guess you forgot about the tax increase for EMS. Or the sudden E.I.T. last November that you discovered after submitting your budget!  What about the fact we pay more for trash pickup because it’s not included in our township taxes? Please feel free to contact our surrounding municipalities to see what they are paying.

Lie number eleven: Created a daytime township fire company.  You had nothing to do with it.  When you were shown that it was created illegally and employing township firefighters in direct violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (CFR 29 553.100 through 106) stating no one can volunteer for the same job they are paid by a municipality to perform).  You were told this several times by members of the community and members of the township fire service.  Your response: "we got an exemption: From Federal law?  You should contact Bristol Township and other area municipalities that are required to follow the Federal law and show them how we did it!  Also, the way the fire department is operated is in clear violation of many NFPA standards including proper manning and accountability.  Of course, you suspended a fire company in our township for doing the exact things your paid department is currently doing!  Even the IAFF stated that what your doing is illegal and a safety hazard for the firefighters.  Wait, I bet you are going to claim you knew nothing about the dangerous conditions! 

Fighting to reclaim our local tax dollars? The real reason is for the past 23 years your budget has failed to match the available funding resources.  What happens when the originally $72,000,000.00 funds from the sale of our poorly managed and maintained water and sewer company (which are now below $43,000,000.00) run out.  According to one of your defenders it is okay to spend $1,600,000.00 from that account each year to balance the budget!  We are continuing to draw money from that account even after receiving more than $11,000,000.00 each year from the casino!  What happens when the court enforces the recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision stating the amount taxed on Parx Casino is unfair and unconstitutional?  That would put your yearly budget deficit over $6,000,000.00 What happens when you spend all of our reserve funding balancing the budget?

Annual budgets are balanced and on time?  That after taking money from the reserve fund and "suddenly and surprisingly" discovering a last-minute budget gap of $9,000,000.00!  Even some of your former Republican friends state there is an almost $6,000,000.00 deficit this year! 

We had to get a $60,000,000.00 to repair our roads!  This tells us you have not saved one dime from the casino!  Poor money management at the best!

Let's not forget, the continuous political appointments by passing qualified personnel. Do we need to mention the obvious, Dawn Davis?.  you not knowing Cosmo DiNardo was appointed by you to the township Drug and Alcohol advisory board.  Even one of the members of the board publicly admitted no one gets on any board without you appointing them!


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