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Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Well gang, it's been a crazy week, has it not? First, we have the attempted assassination of a former president, Then, all of a sudden over the weekend, we have the current president saying that he's not going to run for reelection! Not only that guys, but the same current president who said that he's no longer running for reelection, hands everything over pretty much to the vice president, saying he's backing her up for president. What in the world is up with all of this? I'll be honest and say that I'm absolutely blown away by all of it, but I'm also not surprised. I'm not going to go speculating on Biden's health condition, but I am wondering what is going on there. There's something obvious that's been going on since that first debate, but the question is what is the health issue?

As for Kamala, or as I like to refer to her as the “Cackling Hyena”, I think the Democrats couldn't have chosen a more unsuitable, unqualified, and despicable candidate for president. Now before you Dems out there, start saying that I don't value her as a woman, that I misogynistic, anti-woman, et cetera let me set you straight here. I am a Bible believing born again Christian, who believes that women can do anything when they are guided and directed by God to do so. That women can be leaders, and there have been many godly women leaders not just in scripture, but I believe throughout history. My issue with our vice president, is that she's incompetent, and has been for quite some time. She was chosen as the "border czar" to deal with the massive influx of illegal migrants that were coming into our country and she did NOTHING alleviate it! As a matter of fact, guys, I challenge any of you to name one legit thing, one actual, factual thing that this woman successfully did as VP, and I will tell you right now you can't. Let's go back even further and talk about her time as California's attorney general. She did some very, very shady things, including help falsely prosecute Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden, because they exposed Planned Parenthood's criminal enterprise of selling unborn baby parts for cash. Don't believe me? Look it up! There are people who will say that this isn't true, but there is factual evidence to support it, and you'll be shocked at it. Even when she was a prosecutor, she purposely put black men in prison for petty crimes, including marijuana/drug related crimes, and purposely withheld evidence, against individuals who were on death row come up but had to be forced to give that evidence over, so that it would exonerate these death row inmates!

This is just some of the many things that I believe are going to come out about this woman, that will make her unfit to be president.

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