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Monday, July 15, 2024


Up until recently, I haven't really posted anything yay or nay on Trump, but That stops right now. I'm going to state right now that my husband and I are both Trump supporters. We have been for quite some time and are not going to stop. We watched the rally Saturday, and were horrified to see what we saw happen, and we are praying not only for the former President Trump, but also for the family of the men that was killed, as well as those who were critically injured.

From where I stand on this, is that this is the clear result of leftist hate, and the hatred started with Biden saying all manner of slander, hateful rhetoric, an outright nasty lies about President Trump, which have been proven to be lies, but he still insists on speaking them. This is the result of leftist hatred, which is now biting them in the behind, and now they're scared. They can say that there's no place for hate all they want, but when they're the ones that originated the hate, they need to answer for it.

I just saw this on X over the weekend, and had to share it, because I believe that we can make a difference in helping those that were affected by what happened on Saturday, So if you can give anything at all, I know it will help.

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