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Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Guys, I know it's been about 72 hours since What took place on Saturday, but I really felt burdened of the Lord to share my thoughts on this, and I hope that you listen.

My husband and I watched in horror as we saw Trump go down, and the first thing that thought to my mind, was that somebody has either tried to, or has shot him. As it turned out, he had a bullet clip his ear, and for that I say that's an extreme miracle. I also saw online, a lot of individuals, who either thought this was fake, or were rejoicing in this, and that really deeply disturbed me. It is the result of hatred on the part of the left, and it needs to be exposed and stopped.

With that being said, I'd wanted to share a few things from a fellow believer by the name of Aaron Baer, who stated “I'm angry at the legacy press who has stoked political fear and anger for clicks and headlines. I'm mad at the left, which has used hysterical rhetoric, comparing the former president to Hitler, or calling groups like Center for Christian Virtue “Hate Groups”- and who then try to point fingers when something like this happens." Let me tell you right now guys, I back this guy up 1000%!

Like Aaron, I am extremely angry at what happened, because this is the result of leftist hate. As Aaron stated here come of a godless left falsely labels we Christians, as hateful, bigoted, and has gone so far to say that we Christians, especially those of us who support Donald Trump, are a threat to democracy! Then, when something like this occurs, when someone who is mentally disturbed, and has leftist leanings (this assassin donated to a leftist organization.), as Erin says they play the blame game. Now I know that you're going to say that there's hatred on the right too, but not the way people are thinking. Yes, hate exists on both sides, but I've seen more of the hatred on the left than the right during last four years or more, and that's what deeply disturbs me. I'm also incredibly angered by the disgusting individuals who've made themselves famous for all the wrong reasons. Done so in stating their disappointment that Trump wasn't killed, but glad that a trump supporter was. How the despicable can one get! I am also equally upset with the head of Secret Service refusing to resign, because she definitely wasn't doing her job. Cares more about DEI, than protecting our president, and former presidents, because she wants to fill imaginary guidelines and quotas. Because of this, we have this tragedy, and I believe the blood is on her hands, as well as people like Joy Reid, Morning Joe, The View, and many other leftist celebrities that are out there.

However, I am reminded of one very important thing and that is this. God is still in control, He knows what he's doing, and in the end all those who have been causing this evil will answer to Him for it. I am reminded of very precious verses such as Job 23:10, and Isaiah 43:2, That promise God stands beside us and will bring us victory. I believe that what men tried this past Saturday, and has been trying, and bringing about evil, failed miserably, but we need to be on our guard.

This means that we need to be God's representatives, His Lights in this darkness, to show the left and all the hateful people within it, that they are not going to win. They most of all need to know, but in the end, God wins! 

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