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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dems and Firefghters Unite!!

While out last Thursday, I found this on my doorstep, and had to share.

On Monday night, the 6 fire companies Presidents met with the Mayor and Council President. They are not going to charge us the $2500.00 every year for the Township audit and they are going to place on the ballot a 1/4 mill fire tax, we were not on the ballot in November with the squad because we were not told about it until it was OK by the county for them to be on the ballot. They also said they would find a way to help us pay for the new radio system we are ordered to which will cost a bundle for each company. Harran has violated the Garcia Act, and the Council has violated several township codes. My question is, why are we fighting this alone, we as volunteers have sacrificed a lot to serve this township and no one seems to care what the township is doing to it's citizens and the volunteers, we volunteers deserve better than this.

This is for the democrats of this town, as well as any Firefighter who has had it with the corruption and lies of those running this town:
If you want to effect REAL change,
Start speaking with each other!!! Work together for this, and you will succeed!!

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