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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Peter Waitze: Another Liar!!

Get a load of this pack of LIES!!
As per Mr. Waitze's usual, he takes bits and pieces of Scripture, and distorts them to support his own views. He fails to quote the complete passage, in particular what
Jesus himself said to the lawyer in Mark 12:28-34. Mr. Waitze also fails to quote Genesis 1:27 in which it specifically states, "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." He falsely claims that no where in the Bible does it state that marriage is to be between a man and a woman, when in Matthew 19:4-6 specifically state the opposite. The Bible goes even further to state that homosexuality is an abomination Leviticus 18:22, and Romans 1:26-27, and shows God's response to the lifestyle of those in Sodom and Gomorrah, in Genesis 19. As for the assertion of Jacob being married to more than one woman, it was mentioned in the Scriptures, not as something God approved of, but as something for men to AVOID, because it leads to conflict (See I Samuel 1, and Kings 11.), and strife.
Like other so-called "democrats" Mr. Waitze states that it is "partisan nonsense" to believe that Republicans are more charitable than democrats, which is nothing more that a discriminatory shot at not only Republicans, but also Bible believing Born Again Christians such as myself. There are several faith based organizations that do the very things that "liberal" organizations do, but they do it following the principles found in Acts 2.
Mr. Waitze's statement of "Many people, including Democrats, don't try to remove God from anywhere. What they do is try to prevent our tax dollars from supporting particular religious beliefs." Is totally untrue, as I can cite several instances of liberal democrat controlled government "overwhelmingly support liberal judges who try to remove God, crosses and nativity scenes from coins, public places and schools." In short they are clearly trying to criminalize Christianity! A big example of this, is how the government attempted to stop the National Day of Prayer, but as of yesterday, a panel of the U.S. court of appeals overturned a ruling that previously found the law requiring the President to proclaim a National Day of Prayer each year as unconstitutional. If you want further proof, go to, which is the Alliance Defense Fund. They report on how government IS trying to criminalize Christianity, and how Christians such as myself are taking a stand against it.
Its very clear to this writer, that Mr. Waitze has failed to successfully show where Mr. Staedtler has made false or inaccurate statements concerning liberal democrats, but is only trying to make true Christians such as myself look like uncaring bigots, which is far from the truth. WE firmly believe in loving the sinner, yet hating the sin, which is what Christ did. We also believe in one nation UNDER GOD, which is what our founding fathers believed as well, not government controlled religion!
Maybe Mr. Waitze should think and check his own sources before saying something ignorant.

This is a crony/pet of Joey D, who pretends to be a democrat, but is nothing more than a bigoted RAT himself.

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