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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

For All The First Responders in Bensalem

Remember this?????Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
This is the 1st amendment people, and it gives us the right to not only worship the way we want, WITHOUT GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE, but it also gives us the right to speak out against something or someone we disagree with, to WHOEVER WE WANT, WHENEVER WE WANT!!
Evidently, "Beavis and Butt-Head"
(Harran and Ponticelli), are so scared of me and my blogs, that Ponticelli actually threatened the chief of Union Fire Co., as well as the rest of the firefighters that if any of them (firefighters) were "caught" speaking to me, he "would have them f***-ing arrested for talking about "operational" procedures!" The justification for this, is that they are supposedly creating a "public safety risk", when in reality they want the truth kept from all of you!!
"Beavis and Butt-Head", you have sunk to a new all time low!! Face it you two!! You both are so scared of the people of this town finding out the truth concerning Union Fire co., that you not only REFUSE to discuss the so-called "18 safety issues", but you LIE and abuse the authority God gave you, by making ILLEGAL threats against others for expressing their 1st amendment rights!!! WHAT! Did you think I wouldn't find out about this?? MOST OF ALL, DO THINK YOU ARE GOING TO GET AWAY WITH GOD OVER THIS??
As for all the first responders out there, especially those who have been/are DISHONORABLE (Especially "Beavis and Butt-Head"): first off, I have the highest respect and admiration for ALL honorable first responders. Stress HONORABLE!! I am the daughter of a retired first responder, who was a firefighter/paramedic long before any of you were in existence. I also have family members who are in the military, first responders elsewhere, and friends who were/are first responders, so if you even think for a moment I don't care about, or hate ANY of you, you are WRONG!! I especially care about your souls, because those of you who have no honor or integrity in this, are the ones I pray for the most!! You are facing an eternal damnation I would not wish on anyone, and until you REPENT, your judgement is certain to occur!

To the honorable first responders: Guys, I admire the way you have been handling your regular jobs with your volunteer jobs. For risking your lives without any pay or respect, and for the way you are coping with what "Beavis and Butt-Head", have been putting you through. I know you have been through a great deal, but its time to take a stand!!! GO TO THE NEWS OUTLETS IN THIS AREA!! GO TO EVERY NEWSPAPER YOU CAN, and tell them what is going on!! Don't let "Beavis and Butt-Head" intimidate you into doing nothing, because of an empty and ILLEGAL threat. What power do they really have?? NONE!! Everything they have, authority wise, was given to them by God, and He can and WILL take it away for their abuse of it.

GUYS, REMEMBER WHAT JOSHUA 1:9 SAYS: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." JUST PLACE YOUR TRUST IN GOD, AND


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