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Saturday, September 29, 2012

The 40 Days of Prayer: Day 2

Day 2 - September 29, 2012

Target: Citizenship
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.
Founding Father Quote:
"Those who pay no regard to religion and seriousness in the persons whom they send to the legislature of any state are guilty of the greatest absurdity and will soon pay dear for their folly."
- John Witherspoon, Signer of the Declaration of Independence and President of Princeton University
Lord, over the past several decades we have departed from honoring our Creator. Instead, we have sought our own way which always leads to ultimate destruction. The Bible says to seek first the kingdom of God, and we have done everything else but put our faith in You. This departure from following Your commands has led to the election of government officials seeking the approval of man and not of God. As a nation, we have appointed unrighteous judges to set our standards. Father, we ask Your forgiveness for not following the steps outlined in Your Word to be godly stewards of this great country. We ask that You make us a people who genuinely reflect the character of Jesus Christ. As we practice good citizenship in voting the principles found in Your Word, may we fill every office in the nation with righteous people called according to Your purpose. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Just as this prayer states, we have as Isaiah 53:6 says gone astray like sheep do, and are trying to do things our own way. We attempt to hide our sins, by pious actions, that in reality come up as a stench in God's nostrils, when we should be repenting of our sins, and turning to Him. We further have the nerve to call evil good, and good evil. If ANYONE chooses to act honorably and refuse to associate with the sins of those in government, they are retaliated against, and their reputations trashed. All the while, those who can make a difference, either turn a blind eye, trash others who try to make a difference, or worst yet, do NOTHING!! Its time we put a stop to this evil, and hold ALL our leaders responsible for their actions, and it starts with getting our heads out of the sand, and taking a stand!

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