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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Late yesterday afternoon, I discovered a message on my doorstep that was rather disturbing.  Once I was able to confirm it, I had to make sure that all of you knew. Trust me, this is very disturbing, and it will really make you mad.
As of Monday, Sergeant Andy Aninsman is no longer with the Bensalem Township Police. Why you ask? Well, it’s because he FINALLY got caught in the act of committing something illegal!  Apparently, our little Andy told one of Bensalem’s finest, to drop charges against a suspect that this police officer arrested, because this suspect allegedly had ‘connections’ with Andy. According to what I learned, this police officer, who was being honorable, told Andy that he couldn’t do this, but Andy insisted, even going so far, as to say that he had already gone to a high ranking police official, and said that said official already authorized it!  Believing our little Andy, and possibly not wanting to get into trouble, this officer dropped the charges against this suspect. However, not long after, this police officer is approached by his Sargent, who asked why he didn’t process charges against this suspect. When the officer relayed to him what Aninsman told him, they went to said high ranking official, and this official, completely DENIED ever speaking with Andy!! After learning the real truth on this, the police officer re filed the arrest warrant, and then both he, his Sargent, and said high ranking official went to serve the warrant on the suspect, and when they arrived at the location, lo and behold Andy Aninsman answered the front door!  What makes this even more disturbing is that when Andy was confronted on this, he was basically told to either resign, or be locked up!! In short, Andy Aninsman is now not only able to get away with an illegal act, but he gets to keep his pension, benefits, perks and more!! Even worse, is that I also learned that he has done this before, and the last time he did this, all he got was a written reprimand!!
Last I checked people, what Andy did is called obstruction of justice, this IS a crime, and as such, he MUST be locked up!! The ONLY reason he’s not, is because he’s connected closely with high placed pleased department leaders in an extremely personal way, and unless something is done, he will NEVER see true justice!! Problem is that I bet after reading this, NONE of you, especially the Democrats of this town (I’m talking to YOU Mr. Allen!!) will do anything about this!!

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