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Saturday, October 29, 2016


 I thought this little joke might make everyone's day. :-)

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, and Hillary Clinton, all died and were standing before the Lord. They see a host of individuals dressed in white, many with huge wings, and a massive throne of white with Almighty God sitting upon it. They know this to be a familiar, yet unfamiliar place, but most of all, that this is the first time these individuals have been in a situation in which they are not in control, and it frightens them. As Arnold’s name is called, he hears the voice of God telling him, "Arnold Schwarzenegger, you have sinned against me! As punishment for cheating on your wife, and having another child by another woman, you will spend the rest of eternity chained to a wall, while covered with honey and fire ants eating away at you!" In an instant, Arnold was butt naked, with honey and fire ants all over him chained to a wall in hell screaming for all to hear.
A trembling, Anthony Weiner tries to run, but is brought before the Lord, kicking and screaming between two strong angels. God then says to him, "Anthony Weiner, you have sinned against me! You not only took pictures of yourself, and your "wiener", but you solicited underage girls! As your punishment, I am going to turn you into a giant hot dog in a bun, to be chased by all kinds of wild animals, and eaten by them for eternity!" In a flash, Anthony was a literal hot Dog on a bun, and animals of every kind were tearing away at his "meaty" flesh.
Cowering, John Edwards comes before the Lord, and tries to speak, but a great big "SILENCE!" comes from the heavenly throne." John Edwards, you despicable little man, you cheated on your wife Elizabeth, WHILE SHE HAD CANCER, got your mistress pregnant, and tried to cover it up, using campaign money!! For this heinous act, I am going to give you leprosy and AIDS, so no one will want anything to do with you! Instantly, Edwards then screams horribly, as his skin becomes white as a ghost, with fingers and toes falling off, and hideous red boil like marks began to appear everywhere on his body!
Hillary Clinton’s name is then called. As then steps before the Great White Throne, she arrogantly proceeds to be the ‘brilliant’ attorney and politician she thinks she is, by saying, “Lord I protected children, by giving them healthcare and ‘free’ education. Why am I here?’ The Lord replies, “Hillary Clinton, you have sinned against me! You covered for your slimy husband Bill’s sexual escapades; deleted over 30,000 classified emails on your PRIVATE server, and if that wasn’t enough, you allowed 4 innocent men to be murdered at Benghazi, then blamed it on a video!! Hillary then tries to respond with “I am not responsible for my husband, I was cleared by the FBI and as for the 4 men, Regardless of what killed them, they’re dead, so what difference does it make?”
The Lord Responds to this arrogance, by stating, I’ll tell you what difference this makes!! For your refusal to accept responsibility for anything you have done, I’m going to inflict the most severe punishment on you!! Now totally terrified, Hillary tries in vain to hide from the Lord's presence, but is unable to. Suddenly, Fred Harran and Pat Ponticelli, arrive before the Great White Throne, and God says, " Fred Harran, Pat Ponticelli, you both have sinned...."
Tough Luck for You Hillary!!

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