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Wednesday, September 13, 2017


HOWDY GANG!! I know it’s been a while since I’ve made a posting like this, but when you get a gift like this, you just have to share! While I was out accomplishing some much-needed errands with my husband (Who RESPECTS and HONORS me, by the way.), I happened to find this information on my doorstep, from some of Bensalem’s VERY ticked off and disappointed, honorable, first responders, in regard to the tragedy that befell the 4 young men in July. WARNING: What you are about to read is going to disgust you, so be prepared to get VERY angry and possibly want to scream.

The gall of the Mayor to be denying, that he appointed Cosmo DiNardo to the drug and alcohol advisory board would be hysterical if it was not so sad. Even, his Republican appointed members of that committee (there are no other parties represented) said that the only way to get on that board is for the Mayor to appoint you!
The Mayor and one of his department directors denying any connection with the DiNardo family is also hysterical. They build homes together! If anyone believes the charges against the mass murder were dismissed due to a technicality, and not because of a connection to the Mayor we have a bridge to sell you on Hulmeville Road. ๐Ÿ˜

The pathetic attempt to divert attention to the Mayor being connected to the DiNardo family by suing “Big Pharma” is nothing more than a sad and pathetic distraction. The Director of Public Safety stated he had no figures with him regarding the number of drug related arrests in the township were pharmacy related. Within a few short minutes, he then quoted an 80-90 percent number. Where did he pull those figures from? Oh, he just made them up! With all the money, we pay for numerous solicitors, why did they need to seek out an attorney who would take on the case on a contingency basis?!! The township and the new attorney couldn’t even tell us which court the case would be filed in!
We were also very disappointed to see the D.A. of Bucks County participate in this charade. We thought much more of him than that. ๐Ÿ˜ž 

The township is once again presenting a deficit budget. Of course, the EIT will not be increased or even discussed as being increased until AFTER the November election. At which time, the Republican members of council will give us that blank stare claiming they are just as surprised as we are! When asked about the tax, the Mayor repeatedly claims he has to for public safety reasons! Show us Mr. Mayor how much more we benefit from all the extras in the emergency services. We pay almost three times for two ambulances that the surrounding communities do. Yet they handle more calls. We have more non-emergency personnel at the rescue squad during the day than we have emergency responders. We have the only police department in the county that has more officers assigned outside the patrol unit than in it!
If the township adopted the program established by the Trevose Fire Company we could eliminate the approximately one million dollars in salaries and benefits for the paid fire company, put that money towards funding the program the Trevose Fire Company is establishing and increase our fire protection while reducing the costs by almost half! Imagine that! Six fire companies with eight stations manned around the clock! Even if at times only half the stations are manned they would quadruple the staffing and apparatus available to respond fully staffed! All of this fire protection without politically appointed (and some unqualified before their appointment to the fire marshal’s office).

As I have said before and I will continue to say again; JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU’RE KIDDING YOUR MAJESTY?? It’s CLEARLY obvious to these honorable individuals, that your denials are a lot to be desired. What is that line from Hamlet, “Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.”? How about I paraphrase it so it will fit for this situation: “Me thinks ‘his majesty’ doth deny too much.” I also find it very laughable, how he and Sherriff Lobo decided to file this ridiculous lawsuit against big-pharma, when they know that have NO GROUNDS to do so. I can’t wait to see the counter-suit from big-pharma over this mess! I also am looking forward to the LEGAL backlash from what happened with DiNardo. BTW… can we say Walter Meyerle anyone??
I am also VERY disappointed with DA Weintraub over his lack of willingness to hold the BTPD, and ANY other POTENTIAL culprits responsible for those dismissed gun charges against DiNardo, as well as his playing the political game right alongside His Majesty and Sherriff Lobo. I too expected so much better from you Mr. Weintraub! However, it’s not too late to do the right thing, and I pray that you will.

As for His Majesty and Sherriff Lobo, I’m going to say to you (paraphrased) what Daniel told Belshazzar before his kingdom as well as the Babylonian Empire was destroyed; “You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting”, and in God’s eyes that is NOT a laughing matter.
My ONLY prayer is that Bryan Allen an\d the democrats of this town see this and...


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