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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Last NIght's Council Meeting (06/27/2011)

1. On November 24, in the Bucks County Courier Times, as well as the televised December 6, 2010 budget meeting, there was an announcement that there was a budget deficit of over $6.5 million dollars, with a possible 2011 budget deficit of $9,807,895.00! During this time, we have not seen or heard anything SUBSTANTIAL as to bringing this deficit down. WE were BOTH wondering what you as council are SPECIFICALLY planning on doing to SUBSTANTIALLY bring this deficit down?
2. In light of this budget deficit, how does the township plan on paying for the newly established paid fire department?
3. When did the township realize that it would be necessary to take away money from the volunteer fire departments: before getting the Safer Grant, when the Safer Grant arrived, or over a year after the Safer Grant arrived? 
These were some of the many questions posed, by the Bensalem Democratic Organization, and myself, at last night’s council meeting. This was my first live council meeting I will admit, and was not expecting there to be multiple awards presentations, (though very worthy), of young children getting recognition for their artistic talents, as well as for those involved in the Bensalem Police Department Youth League Panel. Of course, no event in this area would be the same without “Mr. Media” himself, Fred “Where is my spotlight and mike” Harran. After all pomp and circumstance was said and done, Harran figured he would rattle us, by hovering around us, which didn’t work. The meeting went rather quickly, and when “Public Comment” came, it was the democrats turn to get the truth out, and did that ever occur!!
First Harris Martin, who is candidate for Auditor, came to the podium, and voiced his, as well as the Bensalem Democratic Organization’s support for Union Fire Company. He stated what many in the town feel, that what was done was an absolute abuse of power, which should NOT be tolerated. He also asked some very pointed questions concerning the $5.1 million dollar training center, (AKA, the 5 million dollar disaster!), and its lack of readiness.  He asked if the Turnpike Commission had been consulted on this structure and approved for its use, and if it was ready for live training fire exercises. Pizzo stated that the township owned it, and the turnpike had nothing to do with it. Harris Martin quickly pointed out that the fire fighters informed him, especially from Union, that there Turnpike Comission did not approve “practice fires” there, as a safety issue. Martin also stated that there were things missing from the center, which made it unacceptable for actual fire training, including utilities and working water! Harran, of course, told flat out un-truths, stating that the center was operational, citing it has a classroom, and working utilities, even going so far to say this was the first he had heard of these “complaints”. He then states that they are attempting to procure 2 four million dollar grants to obtain propane heating elements for simulation of fires.  If this is so, then why did you Mayor Joe say at its dedication that it was a completed fire center?? After all, this IS what got you re-elected for what now… 5th term!!  
Then I stood up, and asked the following questions:
1.     On November 24, in the Bucks County Courier Times, as well as the televised December 6, 2010 budget meeting, there was an announcement that there was a budget deficit of over $6.5 million dollars, with a possible 2011 budget deficit of $9,807,895.00! During this time, we have not seen or heard anything SUBSTANTIAL as to bringing this deficit down. WE were BOTH wondering what you as council is SPECIFICALLY planning on doing to SUBSTANTIALLY bring down this deficit?
This, of course, sprouted a long winded statement from Ed Kisselback, who really gave no answers. I again asked for specifics, as in name one thing that you are doing to alleviate this, and that was when Mr. Pizzo, interjected, and actually stated that the “Books were balanced”, and that no deficit existed, which was a LIE!! Of course, Pizzo in his condescending manner asked if the answers given satisfied my questions, and I point blanked said NO.
2.     In light of this budget deficit, how does the township plan on paying for the newly established paid fire department?
Of course, there was NO answer for this!
3.     When did the township realize that it would be necessary to take away money from the volunteer fire departments: before getting the Safer Grant, when the Safer Grant arrived, or over a year after the Safer Grant arrived? 
Of course, there was NO answer for this! However, Joey D had to interject something that was completely false, stating that the first year of the grant covered only 90%. I informed that based on my research, (Speaking to many firefighters who saw the grant and having seen the grant myself.), that this was not true, and I repeated this.
Council Candidate, Mary Jeffrey asked a very interesting question as to why there were TWO township solicitors there, to which they, as usual, had no straight answer to.

I am here to let the council, and Fred Harran know, that I have documentation to back up what I said last night, in regards to the grants, and that I have a copy of the township budget. I am going to be back to the next council meeting on July 11th, so I hope you will have HONEST answers to the questions I posed about the budget. If necessary, I will be at EVERY meeting, until late October, until I get my answer. So in short, unless you can prove to me in writing otherwise……………………

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