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Sunday, June 19, 2011


This is something I have posted on here before, but I feel it necessary to continue sharing this. Enjoy!!
Be Careful!! The names on this list may just surprise you.......
Introducing, The Rotten Fathers Of The Bible!!
The following, is a compiled list of some of the most neglectful and dysfunctional fathers ever in Scripture:
1. Isaac: His showing favoritism, led to Jacob's deception of him, and Esau, resulting in a major feud. (Genesis 25:27-29; Genesis 27)
2. Jacob: He was guilty of the same thing his dad Isaac did. His favoritism of Joseph over his 10 other brothers, resulted in a cruel act of spite performed on Joseph, and caused him (Jacob) to believe he lost Joseph for good.
(Genesis 37:2-4, 22-37)
3. Eli: This man overindulged and failed to discipline his rebellious sons, so he paid for it with his life and the lives of his sons. (I Samuel 2:12-36, 3:11-14, 4:11-18)
4. Samuel: He repeated the mistakes of Eli, and it wound up costing him a lot more than he bargained for when Israel demanded a king. (I Samuel 8:1-5)
5. King Saul: Now here is one messed up man. This man was so paranoid over David, he feared for his own throne, (Which he knew God had given to David.), he tried to get his own son Jonathan to kill him. When Jonathan refused, he tried to kill his own son!! (I Samuel 19, 20)
6. King David: Why King David, you ask?? Even though he was "a man after God's own heart", his affair with Bathsheba, as well as marrying three other women, resulted in the following catastrophes:
A. Amnon raping Tamar (II Samuel 13:1-19)
B. Absalom killing Amnon (II Samuel 13:20-29)
C. Absalom's attempt to take David's throne (II Samuel 15-18) Even after Absalom Was Killed, David STILL mourned his Death.
7. King Ahab: This evil man, was so influenced by his wicked wife, Jezebel, that his overindulgence, and lack of discipline, produced one of the most evil females in Judah's history; Athaliah (I Kings 16-22, II Kings 8:16-25, II Kings 11)
8. King Herod: This man's lust was so evident, that he willingly murdered John the Baptist, to pacify not only Herodias, but also to potentially seduce and ingratiate himself to her daughter. (Mark 6:21-28)
What do these men have in common, you ask????
Some failed, by not spending time with their children, others by not providing the right discipline, others, by putting down, and showing favoritism to their own children. Some failed, by their unhealthy obsessions over their children, causing great shame.
Fathers everywhere need to take heed to this advice, and really take time to think about just how they're raising their children. Are they raising them in the right kind of love, or are they showing favoritism among their own children?? Do they know the boundaries of acceptable behavior with their own children, or are they violating their innocence?? Are they accepting their children for who they are, or are they CONSTANTLY verbally and physically berating their children, thus going against Ephesians 6:4??

Why do I post this, you ask? I say this not to spread "Lies and Hate", but because I happen to care about you, your family, and your eternal souls! I say this, because I know of SEVERAL people in township government, and law enforcement who have allowed their children to either get away with breaking the law, or have scarred their children with their own sinful actions. I know of multiple instances of these very things, but because of the fact that some of these alleged instances have involved minor children, but I won't give names and/or go into detail. I am telling the fathers of these children, to REPENT, and start acting like the fathers they say that they are. Don't sweep "Junior's" criminal activity under the rug, but have him answer for their crimes. Quit disrespecting your spouse, and family through your unfaithfulness, and dragging them into it!


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