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Friday, June 24, 2011

Sound Familiar Anyone??

I am writing this to see if anyone has information regarding the gym being built at the high school. What is the cost of the gym?
Several years ago, the township received a $2,000,000.00 grant from the outgoing Governor of Pennsylvania for a community center.
The Mayor said it would cost too much money to hire personnel to run the community center.
I understand that the money was given to the school district to build the new gym (it wasn't given back to the state). This was done with the understanding that the community will be able to use the gym.
I am sure for safety reasons that the public will not be permitted to use the gym during school hours. I also believe that the public will not be able to use the gym after school when the students have after school activities.
That leaves the hours after 10:00 at night and before school starts in the morning for the public to use the gym.
I believe that would require that the school district hire personnel to run the gym for the public! As the school board has just raised taxes (again), how much more will they have to be raised to hire all these additional employees or pay overtime to run the gym after hours?
What about the activities that would have utilized the community center that cannot be carried out in the new gym?

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