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Thursday, August 5, 2021




All this is, is another publicity stunt by His Majesty, trying to make himself look good, while the town goes further and further into deficit after deficit, from massive spending. Forget useless petty garbage like this, how about coming in really visiting the affected areas from the flood of July 12, and don't bring cameras! Oh I know, you'll never come, because you can't have cameras there to bring you any attention!


  1. So just curious.. and understand that I really am asking this as a legitimate question because I don’t know you or your town… you don’t like the fact that your mayor is cleaning up your towns graffiti, but you also are angry that the police aren’t cleaning up the town? Aren’t they a part of the same government? Isn’t it a good thing that someone is working on a problem in the town. Regardless of how they are using the publicity?

    1. I appreciate you responding John, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you on this, but I've been rather busy. What I'm referring to, since apparently you don't live in our town, is that our mayor is a publicity hound. Cleaning up the graffiti is great, but he pounces on any kind of publicity that will gain him favor for his election, and he does this even when it's not election time. Ask for this town's police, I want to make something clear in this area too. I do not hate the police at all! My issue with this township's police force, is that many of them, starting with their public safety director, are corrupt, sinful, very evil individuals, who abused the law, and have gotten away with it. Our public safety director for example, has quite a few skeletons in his closet, including having been caught by a local news organization, as well as somebody else driving under the influence in his Township issued SUV, and when the local investigative news reporter confronted both he and the Township on this, the township's attorney stated that he could do whatever he wanted with his Township issued SUV, including putting other people's lives in danger! That's my concern.
