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Friday, May 11, 2012

Liberal Hypocrisy in Action

A friend of mine sent me this, and as I read it, it showed me just how two faced the liberal elite truly are.

"I was wondering why no Occupiers protested Obama's Hollywood meeting. I mean, those entire rich Hollywood one per centers! The place was ripe for an Occupy gathering. :) I really do wonder if the Hollywood people truly believe in spreading the wealth, then why is it that they all live in mansions? Why don't they sell them, buy modest houses in the suburbs, then they could share their wealth to help the less fortunate. That would seem consistent with the verbal ideology they profess. I just find it ironic, that Hollywood likes to lampoon Christians and portray us as hypocrites. What's more hypocritical than screaming "share the wealth" and then not sharing it and living in luxury while others starve? Just saying..."

I don't know about anyone else, but that really makes a LOT of sense to me.

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