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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Very Astute Comment From a Friend:

This came to my from a very good friend, who rally hits the nail on the head, in this area. It also gets one to thinking as to just what our government is supposed to be, and how we have strayed from the founding fathers intent.

"Was watching the news, can't tell if it is ignorance or intentional deceit that newsmen and our political leaders don't seem to know what kind of government we have. They keep referring to our "Democracy" when we don't have a Democracy, we have a Democratic Republic; there is actually a big difference. Thomas Jefferson called "Democracy" a tyranny where 51% could oppress the other 49%. Just can't help but wonder, are the news people and our leaders really so stupid they actually don't know what kind of gov't we have or is this being done on purpose?"

Over the last several decades, this county has strayed from what the founding fathers designed for it. We have now become a nation that says "There is NO God!", and shows it, by banning Bible reading and prayer, MURDERING millions of unborn children, and advocating sinful lifestyles!! On top of all that, we have a sitting President, who has emasculated our military, and gone on an "Apology Tour" for things the United States doesn't need to apologize over!!

It really makes you wonder, Doesn't It??

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