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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

They're On to You Haman!!

My husband found this on our car window today, and I felt it important to share. It seems as if people ARE seeing I am telling the truth, and have been all along! When I read this, I had to post, and Haman, you WON'T like it.

"We read your blog and accepted your challenge to prove you wrong. We could not believe that the township refused to provide you with a copy of the township emergency operations plan.

Thought the public would find this interesting. The six volunteer fire companies in our township DO NOT have access to the township emergency operations plan either!

Each of us has contacted the leadership of our respective companies to see if they have a copy of the township emergency management plan. They do not! How do they expect us to function as part of the emergency response to a disaster if they won't show us the plan?

We wanted to let you know so that you don't think it is just you. They won't let us see it either! Unfortunately for the public your facts are correct. They refuse to allow anyone access to the plan. If the firefighters in the township can't see it, exactly who can?"

This is living proof for those who claim that the firefighters say I'm "Nuts", that I'm not only NOT nuts, but I'm right on target!! I saw through your little scheme of planting false info, and this is all I'm going to say: IT FAILED.
Next Time, Think of Better Lies!!

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