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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Show Me the $$$$!!

In 2010, Mr. Topley represented the Bensalem EMS and stated that they were in financial distress and needed more tax money. Mr. Topley said that his organization could not continue to operate at its current levels without additional tax money. Mr. Topley said the call volume has increased with fewer people paying their bills for service. Mr. Topley stated that they were in desperate need of funding to keep a third part time "power ambulance" operating.
If anyone else remembers, back in 2002 they asked for additional money for this ambulance. However, at the meeting, Mr. Topley stated that he had been funding the ambulance with grant monies from the Honorable Gene DiGirolamo and the Honorable Tom Tomlinson. What happened to the extra money from 2002? Mr. Topley failed to mention that the funds received by these government officials are also tax money! Interestingly enough, there was an investigation by the Bucks County DA's Office in 2002, of the Bensalem EMS, its President, and Topley himself. Evidently there was a problem in how the finances were being handled, and the President got suspended. What did Topley get?? A mere slap on the wrist for "bad bookkeeping". Within all of this, I fail to understand why A. NO further action was taken towards Topley, except telling him, he was a bad bookkeeper, and B. How can an organization that on several prior occasions fell into financial difficulty for not properly managing their funds is in trouble again. Did they not learn anything from their previous financial difficulties?
They successfully got the tax increase during the 2010 elections, plus The Bensalem EMS is paid by the township, "when in motion", which is $ 1,000 per run or trip. Just to understand this Ian, Topley said they run 5000 calls a year. If this is true, at this rate, they would be getting $5,000,000.00! Let's say they only receive funds for 3000 of the calls at the same rate. That would still total $3,000,000.00. Even if they took a low estimate of $700.00 per call, Ian that would give them $2,100,000.00!! That, plus the over $350,000.00 in tax money and donations, would amount to anywhere from 3,350,000.00 to 5,350,000.00!!! They also get funding from the Bucks County Commissioners Office, get money from the state foreign insurance program, and also get their share of the casino revenues, as well as donations, especially from local businesses. They even received an $85,000 award from PARX Casino itself over the last two years. All these funds for two advanced life support ambulances around the clock and one basic life support ambulance 8 hours a day! Now they get another $89,000 from PARX this year, despite all of this???
Where is all the $$$$ Going???

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